Disability Inclusive WASH project N. Iraq Zhwan J. Yousif Senior WASH Specialist World Vision
Out line: Introduction Objectives Achieving objectives Training & Criteria setting Assessment Implementation Other Achievements Challenges Lessons Learned
Introduction: World Vision in Kurdistan Region of Iraq (WVI-KRI) has been responding to emergency needs of IDPs and Refugees form Syrian since 2014
(WVI-KRI) has been implementing many WASH projects in KRI. Introduction: (WVI-KRI) has been implementing many WASH projects in KRI.
Introduction: (WVI-KRI) has been implementing a Disability inclusive WASH project in Kirkuk
Objectives: Investigate problems of accessibility and access to and use of clean water and sanitation facilities by persons with disabilities within IDPs and host community in the North of IRAQ - Kirkuk. Solving the investigated problems by: Supply and treatment of potable water resources in Kirkuk by rehab 4 bore holes and installing 2 chlorine system. Rehabilitation of WASH & Shelter facilities to improve the accessibility of 50 HH for PLWD. Conduct two community driven initiatives to support empowerment of PLWD. Addressing social and institutional barrier.
Achieving objectives: - Training & Criteria setting Two training courses have been set up to build up WASH team capacity for assessing the situation of PWD and their needs for WASH/ Shelter facilities as well as addressing social and institutional barrier. Ray Norman led one of the training Ray during training for conducting a community Ray during Technical assessment training for PWD at HH level driven initiatives to support empowerment of PWD And addressing the barriers
Achieving objectives: - Training & Criteria setting The second training was led by Handicap International organization staff. Rafid (HI staff) with our WASH team during the training
Achieving objectives: - Training & Criteria setting During the trainings with help of the trainers and cooperation of M&E department the following tools were set: Image link https://www.mindflash.com/blog/learning-design-models-are-fine-but-are-they-practical/
Achieving objectives: - Training & Criteria setting Vulnerability Criteria assessment tool
Achieving objectives: - Training & Criteria setting Vulnerability Criteria assessment tool
Achieving objectives: - Training & Criteria setting Vulnerability Criteria assessment tool
Achieving objectives: - Training & Criteria setting Vulnerability Criteria assessment tool
Achieving objectives: - Training & Criteria setting Technical assessment tool
Achieving objectives: - Training & Criteria setting Technical assessment sheet
Achieving objectives: - Assessment Technical assessment: According to the Vulnerability assessment PWD HHs were selected and regarding to the training the WASH team did technical assessment PWD shows how PWD shows how PWD shows how moving in his house moving to WC access to WC
Achieving objectives: - Assessment Technical assessment PWD shows how squatting PWD shows how PWD shows how access to chicken moving to WC
Achieving objectives: - Assessment Addressing the barriers & selecting community driven initiatives: Developing MoU with a local NGO for PWD to addressing physical, social and institutional barriers to PWD Meeting with PWD for selecting one of community driven initiatives to support empowerment of PLWD and addressing the barriers
Achieving objectives: - Implementation The implementation is doing through phases in order to provide the services soon and in a perfect quality. Before Before After After
Achieving objectives: - Implementation Involving PWD in the implementation process in order to insure that the services work properly for them.
Other Achievements : Learning PWD assessment. Design according to General Accessibility Guidelines. A partnership with local and international NGOs who deal with PWD. Addressing physical, social and institutional barriers. Overcome challenges.
Challenges: During assessment & implementation Involving PWD. Privet questions. Movement of HHs from house to house (IDP & Host) Rejecting services with/without reasons. Security situation.
Lessons Learned: Try to avoid dealing with IDPs because of their movement. Emphasizing on addressing social and institutional barrier within community. More training to increase capacity building.