Lewis/Price Newsletter 8/22/16 Important Dates August 26th- Spelling Test September 2- Math Vocabulary Test August 26th-Lesson Check 1:5-1:8 August 26th- Language Daily Grade Reminders Sign behavior calendar in both sections (homework and behavior calendar sections). Please send empty toliet paper rolls. Please remember to send a snack with your child. Wish List Expo Markers Stickers Cap Erasers Zip Lock Bags Cardstock Bright Colored Paper *For This Week Only* -Taco Bell Sauce Packets Math- Students will identify the pattern on a number line or graph scale, and calculate missing labels. Students will compare 3-digit and 4-digit whole numbers. Students will order 3-digit and 4-digit whole numers. Students will make an organized list to represent information given in a problem. Language We will continue our unit on Helen Keller and the Eye. In Language, we will be working on the different types of sentences (simple, compound, complex/ declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory), as well as Nouns, Genres, Text Features, Text Structures, and Capitalization. Students will continue to work on the Writing Process during our Write On! Unit.