Judgment & Vindication “The Lamb is on the Throne” The book of REVELATION Judgment & Vindication Revelation 14 (p 1146)
Leading up to the Battle . . . The Story so far: Ch 1 A Vision of Jesus among the Lampstands Ch 2-3 Letters to the 7 churches: Commendation; Censure; Command; Promise Ch 4-5 The throne room in Heaven: Worship ... Scroll with 7 seals Ch 6 The first 6 Seals Ch 7 The 144,000 and the Great multitude Ch 8-9 The 7th Seal & the first 6 Trumpets. Ch 10-11 The little scroll (sweet & bitter); the two witnesses; the 7th trumpet Ch 12-13 The Dragon & the two Beasts – make war on the woman & her offspring
1. The Lamb’s Army “fights back” The Lamb and the 144,000 on Mount Zion His Name & Father’s Name on their foreheads (Beast – blasphemous name 13:1) Sound (Like: rushing waters, loud thunder, harpists) – New Song Not defile with women – Virgins = not unfaithful (idolaters) – 14:8; Hos.; He 12:16 Follow the Lamb wherever He goes Purchased from human race (Redeemed – 5:9) Offered as firstfruits to God – sacrificial terminology (Nu. 18:12; De. 18:4) = martyrs No Lie was found in their mouths (Faithful & true witnesses) They are blameless (sacrifice) Marked Devotion to Christ Redeemed Faithful Witnesses
2. Urgency of the Battle The FIRST Angel (v 6-7): Proclaiming the Eternal Gospel – “Fear God and give Him Glory” A Last Chance to Repent ! The SECOND Angel ( v 8): Announces fall of “Babylon” = Rome / Dominant World Order No more “Adultery” (worship of anything other than God) The THIRD Angel (v 9-11): The Fate of those with the “Mark of the Beast” – worshippers of this world Drink the wine of God’s Fury poured into the cup of His Wrath – forever
2. Urgency of the Battle . . . This calls for (v 12): Patient Endurance Keep his commands Remain Faithful to Jesus “Blessed are those who die in the Lord from now on” (v 13)
“For their deeds will follow them” (v 13) 3. The Final Outcome Harvest by the Lamb (v 14-16) – Righteous are with God forever Language of the grain harvest (e.g. Matt 13:24-30 Parable: Wheat & Weeds) Harvest by the Angel (v 17-20) – “Adulterers” face God’s wrath. “Grapes” are “trampled” in God’s wrath (Joel 3:13; cf. Jer. 25:30) “For their deeds will follow them” (v 13)
“They did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death” Urgent Call Urgency – The matter is of critical importance – Eternal Destiny The Lamb’s Army Marked Redeemed Devoted to Christ (Follow the Lamb wherever He goes) Faithful Witnesses (Blameless ... No lie in their mouths) 12:11 “They did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death”