Starter Activity Students are to pick a question out of the hat and answer intelligently based on what they have learnt so far in this unit...
Charles and the forgotten kingdoms Ireland Scotland
What is the historical significance to this issue? How did James go about handling his three kingdoms? Was this method successful? What is the significance of the Articles of Perth?
Charles' rule of Scotland Charles had no first hand knowledge of Scotland. Unlike his father, of whom they could be proud as a Scottish king who had gone south to rule England, Charles was seen as a foreign ruler Charles conscripted Scottish manpower into his army for his continental wars, wars that were largely irrelevant to Scottish interests and which could bring them no advantage In 1625 Charles issued an Act of Revocation cancelling all grants of royal land, and of Church land made since 1540
The Breaking Point Q:How do we think Charles responded to this? In 1637 Archbishop William Laud imposed a prayer book and order of service on the Scottish Kirk closely modelled on the Anglican one. This brought Scottish fears to a head. The elite saw this as the action of an alien king, one who now sought to dictate how they worshipped and what they believed. Worse, to Scottish Presbyterian eyes, the Laudian reforms reeked of Catholicism. Nobility, gentry and the Kirk united in opposition In 1638 a National Covenant is signed-This said that they were against ungodly rule and popery. They were loyal to the king as long as he respected their religious, political and property rights. Q:How do we think Charles responded to this? Q:What would you have done?
Q: Charles...Who ya gonna call?? The First Bishops’ War, 1639 Charles scrapes together an army Equipment was of poor quality Militia is inexperienced and poorly trained. Most men had never fired their weapons. In order to save money, ‘dry firing’ was all that the local gentry commanders would allow. Few wanted to fight to support Laudian Prayer Book. Q: Charles...Who ya gonna call??
Ireland Charles feared of Irish loyalty in his war with Spain The King’s Graces- The graces promised an end to recusancy fines and removal of bans on Catholics in the legal profession and appointment to public office. Promised to pass a statue of limitations surrendering all claims to Irish property that had been kept in the hands of its owners for more than sixty years. When negotiations were reached with Spain in 1629, this policy was quickly dropped
Thomas Wentworth, the Earl of Strafford ?
Thomas Wentworth What were Wentworth’s objectives as Lord Deputy of Ireland? What did Wentworth achieve by the time he was recalled to England in 1639? How did Charles’s policies in Ireland up to 1633 show he could not be trusted?