Strathearn School Belfast L6 Information Evening 2008
AIMS OF L6 INFORMATION EVENING To give parents an understanding of the 6th form experience To help parents offer practical support to their daughters To strengthen the home school partnership
PROGRAMME FOR THE EVENING Introduction Mr Manning Pastoral Mrs Myers (Head of 6th Form) Assessment Mrs Connery (VP) Careers Mrs Hearst (Careers Adviser) Conclusion Mr Manning
Website - Bulletins
The differences Forms 4 & 5 Form 6 9 GCSEs All timetabled Directed study Homework 4 / 3 AS Levels & 3 A2 Careers & IT classes 75% timetabled Independent Study Supervised Study Privileges Common room Lunch time
PASTORAL – MRS MYERS Form tutor Head of sixth form – Careers staff essentially a supportive role pastoral and academic Learning support – Mrs Atkinson Careers staff
BEING IN SIXTH FORM Privileges and opportunities Responsibilities Role models
HOW TO SUCCEED Attendance and punctuality Discipline and organisation Proactive approach
EARLY WARNING SIGNS Missed deadlines Disappointing marks Loss of control
AS and A Level Courses Timing Name of exam Number of exams Qualification May/June of L6 (2009) AS (1st half of full A-level) 2 modules per subject level A of U6 (2010) A2 (2nd half of
ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING IN L6 Late Nov: Short report, based largely on ongoing work in class and at home Jan: Mock Exam (1 Week) Late Feb: Full report Mar: Parent consultation evening (26 February) May/June: AS examinations Aug: Results –Thursday 20th August
U6 Preparing for A2 exams in Upper Sixth Offers by Universities and Colleges – consider first AS results Estimated final A level grades
ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING IN U6 Late Nov: Short report, based largely on ongoing work in class and at home Jan: Mock exams Late Feb: Full report Mar: Parent consultation evening, by invitation May/June: AL examinations Aug: Results
Form L6 Subjects September Ar Tl Gg ICT Et October Ar Tl Gg ICT MS Et November Ar Tl ICT MS Et December Ar Tl ICT MS Et Bi January Ar Tl ICT Mu MS Et Bi February Ar Tl Bi ICT Mu MS Et March April Ar Tl Bi Mu ICT Et May Ar
Form U6 Subjects September Ar Tl ICT Et HE October Ar Tl ICT MS Bi Et HE November Ar Tl HE ICT MS Bi Et December January Ar Tl ICT MS Mu Bi HE February March Ar Tl ICT MS Mu HE April Ar Tl Mu ICT May Ar
TIMETABLE This is a taught programme of 1 period per week over almost 4 terms Personal Career Plan Where am I now? Where do I want to go? What do I need to do to get there?
PREPARATION FOR THE WORLD OF WORK Job advertisements Preparation of a CV How to complete an application form Brief introduction to interview skills, including telephone interviews Appropriate behaviour in the workplace One week of work experience from 26 Jan to 30 Jan with a thorough debriefing and the compilation of an evaluation
OPTIONS AT 18+ Further education Direct employment Gap year Higher education
HIGHER EDUCATION Self assessment techniques Speakers Students attend talks and courses provided by professional organisations Use databases on our school computers (detailing several thousand courses)
CHOICE OF UNIVERSITIES We use prospectuses, DVDs, CD Roms and websites especially We encourage use of our Careers Library We bring in speakers from various universities
CHOICE OF UNIVERSITIES contd. We encourage attendance at Open Days of the local universities We provide information on other Open and Information days but attendance is on an individual basis Higher Education Convention in March at the King’s Hall for L6 Considerable focus on Personal Statements
BY THE END OF L6 EACH PUPIL SHOULD HAVE: A list of 6 – 10 possible courses for further investigation A first draft of her personal statement During the summer holidays we encourage the girls to discuss the various options with their parents. Students should also try to visit university campuses where there are courses which interest them
U6 TIMETABLE list of choices are checked and discussed Each girl is interviewed by her careers teacher – final list of choices are checked and discussed Girls attend Queen’s University Open Day in early September Girls attend Higher Education Fair hosted by Methody 17 October deadline for completed UCAS forms - Oxbridge and medical applications earlier November to March girls receive conditional offers (or rejections) Girls can hold one firm and one insurance offer Presentation on student finance
SOUTHERN IRISH UNIVERSITIES These applications are dealt with separately and have a much later deadline than UCAS
MOCK INTERVIEW EVENING Monday 24 November 2008
WORK EXPERIENCE before end of October if possible Students and parents to make initial contact – before end of October if possible We deal with all formal correspondence – insurance forms etc We have an existing databank but often the most successful are arranged personally Exceptions – medical placements which are coordinated centrally. Mrs McCracken will speak to these girls soon Anyone who could help with any placements please contact me
CONCLUSION Strong peer pressure Maintain the work-relaxation balance Each girl is different Strong peer pressure Maintain the work-relaxation balance