What does being healthy mean to you? Define Health The state of well-being in which all of the components of health-physical, emotional, social, mental, spiritual, and environmental-are in balance Compare your definition to Webster’s What does being healthy mean to you?
Components of Health
Components of Health Physical Health-refers to the way your body functions Eating right, exercise, free from diseases and sickness Emotional Health-expressing your emotions in a positive, nondestructive way Social Health-the quality of your relationships with your friends, family, and others. Occupational Health-Level of satisfaction with what you do, your productivity, the environment you work in, and your compensation.
Components cont. Mental Health-is the ability to recognize reality and cope with the demands of daily life Strongly influenced be emotional health Spiritual Health-is maintaining harmonious relationships with other living things and having spiritual direction and purpose Religious beliefs or purpose in life Values: a strong belief or ideal Environmental Health-is keeping your air and water clean, your food safe, and the land around you enjoyable and safe **Personal Health Assessment
Health and Wellness Continuum Read pgs. 8-10 Don’t forget to check out the Health and Wellness Continuum chart on pg. 11! Complete RESEARCH IN ACTION (pg. 12) #1-3 THEN Answer #3-4 in Lesson 1.1 Review (pg. 12)
Health in the Past: Infectious Diseases In the 1800’s and early 1900’s, the leading causes of death in the US were infectious diseases Infectious diseases- diseases caused by pathogens, such as bacteria Can be passes from one person to another Ex: polio, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and the flu
Health Today: Lifestyle Diseases Advances in medicine, living conditions, etc. have put infectious diseases under control Today, most health problems are related to our lifestyle Lifestyle diseases -are caused by unhealthy behaviors and other factors Ex: diabetes, heart disease, types of cancer
How might this jeopardize my health? Warm-Up Activity Behavior or Activity How might this jeopardize my health? What behaviors and activities do you engage in that might jeopardize your health or your life? List your answers in a table like the one shown above.
Health Risk Factors Risk Factor: is anything that increases the likelihood of injury, disease, or other health problems. Ex: Family history Stress level Overweight and obesity Smoking Lack of exercise
Controllable Risk Factors Risk factors that you can do something about Controlled by your behavior Physical activity, smoking, weight, diet
Uncontrollable Risk Factors Factors that are unable to be changed Age, race, gender, heredity
Six Health Risk Behaviors Sedentary Lifestyle -not taking part in physical activity on a regular basis Alcohol and other drug use Can cause liver disease, cancer, heart disease, and brain damage Sexual Activity Behaviors that cause injury Tobacco Use Poor Eating Habits
You can protect your health by focusing on controllable risk factors that you can change through your behavior. What behaviors should you focus on? (think back to the warm-up activity) Let’s take a look at the the leading causes of death for teens…
Leading Causes of Death Among Teens Motor vehicle accidents (33%) Homicide (16%) Suicide (12%) Other accidents (13%) Other causes (26%)
Interconnection of Elements Mrs. Sender will divide the class into 6 separate groups. Each group will be assigned 1 component of health. Students will write 4-5 behaviors that promote/obstruct each specific component. Ex. Exercise program promotes physical health Ex. Sedentary lifestyle hurts physical health Then, as a class, we will discuss how each behavior can affect other components of health.
6 Components Review As you can see, many of the components of health can be affected by the other components. One weak component can affect a person’s overall health, thus “balance” is included in the definition of health. Wellness-is the achievement of a person’s best in all 6 components of health.
Influences on your Wellness Hereditary Influences Heredity- traits you inherit from your parents Examples? Social Influences The relationships you have with other people Abstinence: stay away from/don’t engage in Cultural Influences Culture-is the values, beliefs, and practices shared by people that have a common background Where/who do you get your values from?? Environmental Influences Your surroundings
Taking Charge of Your Wellness 1. Knowledge Health Literacy-the knowledge of health information needed to make good choices about your health 2. Lifestyle behavioral changes--there is a difference between knowledge and behavior 3. Attitude by changing your attitude, you can act in ways that work to make you a healthier person
Four Ways Society Addresses Health Problems Public Health is the practice of protecting and improving the health of people in a community Medical Advances Technology Public Policy Education