Mesopotamia The Cradle of Civilization Mr. Anders & Ms. Lee
A People Divided Sumeria was located in Mesopotamia (the Fertile Crescent). Sumerians were not united. Instead, they created independent city-states. The Fertile Crescent
Geography & Environment The soil was enriched over time by layers of silt deposited by the overflow of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Floods were unpredictable. Mesopotamians utilized irrigation techniques in order to have a regular harvest.
Sumerian Cities Surrounded by walls. The buildings of the city were made from sun-dried bricks. Sumerians invented the arch and the dome.
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Economy & Society Based on agriculture, but trade and manufacturing became increasingly important. Three major social groups: nobles, commoners, and slaves.
The First Empires As city-states grew more powerful conflicts arose. Sargon of Akkad established the first empire in human history! Sargon’s empire eventually fell, opening the door for a new leader: Hammurabi of Babylon.
The Code of Hammurabi