Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) Overview Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration EHBs Grantee Info
Agenda EHBs Notes EHBs Login Navigation Adding to a Portfolio Project Director Role Financial Reporting Administrator (FRA) role Privileges Prior Approval Requests Resources
EHBs Notes IE 8.0 and above or Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and above is the recommended browser HRSA EHBs use pop-up screens to allow users to view or work on multiple screens. Ensure that pop-up blockers are turned off. HRSA EHBs allow you to work on parts of a report, save it online, and return to complete it later EHBs time out periodically so it is important to save work every few minutes to avoid losing data HRSA EHBs has two views “Data Entry” view is designed for user-friendly data entry “Review” option appears just like a printed form and is read only
EHBs Login All users who wish to work on grant conditions and reporting requirements of the award should be registered in EHBs EHBs login screen: https://grants.hrsa.gov/webexternal/login.asp If you are already registered, there is no need to register again. Use the same username and password that was set up during registration Contact the HRSA Contact Center if you do not remember your username or password: 1-877-464-4772, callcenter@hrsa.gov
EHBs Login Screen Login here Register here Need help? Get it here
EHBs Navigation Click on tasks to access tasks You may also click on the links to the left to access tasks
EHBs Navigation You can view recently accessed tasks here
EHBs Navigation Click on the Recently Completed tab to search for tasks that have been submitted Click on Expand Group or one of the triangles to expand
EHBs Navigation A list of tasks appear for all grants that you have privileges for under the organization
EHBs Navigation To request an extension, click on Submissions
EHBs Navigation Next, click on the triangle next to the edit link and these lists of options appear, from here, you request an extension
EHBs Navigation You may filter tasks In the various columns Most EHBs screens will allow you to filter
EHBs Navigation A different example of filtering
EHBs Navigation The Organizations tab will show you which organizations you are registered to
EHBs Navigation You may register to another organization here You will see these Options when clicking On the inverted triangle
EHBs Navigation The Grants tab will show you grants that are in your portfolio
EHBs Navigation These options appear when the inverted triangle is clicked on
EHBs Navigation You may update your personal profile and change your password here
Add Grant to Portfolio Click on Grants
Add Grant to Portfolio Click Add Grant to Portfolio
Add Grant to Portfolio Select the appropriate option
Add Grant to Portfolio A list of grants belonging to the organization will be listed and you can select which grant(s) to add
Add Grant to Portfolio Click on the inverted triangle to request access or view your current privileges
Add Grant to Portfolio Enter comments and check off privileges you wish to be granted
Project Director Role Project Directors (PDs) should add the grant to their portfolio as the PD Project Directors are automatically granted all non-financial report privileges If a PD needs privileges for the financial report, they must request access from the Financial Reporting Administrator (FRA) Project Directors are responsible for granting non-financial report privileges to other users It is recommended that the Project Director assign a back up designee in case they are out of the office
Financial Reporting Administrator Role (FRA) Grantees responsible for approving and submitting the FFR to HRSA must register as the Financial Reporting Administrator (FRA) in the EHBs You will need your organization’s account ID and PIN from the Payment Management System to verify your identity as the FRA There can be multiple FRAs for an organization FRA’s are responsible for granting financial report privileges to other users By default, Project Directors do not have access to the FFR
Privileges To access reports and submissions in the EHBs, you must have the necessary privileges Depending on the report or submission you are trying to access, you may need to obtain privileges from the Project Director and/or Financial Reporting Administrator Once you are in your portfolio, if you don’t see the links to access the various reports or submissions that are available, you most likely don’t have the necessary privileges
Privileges Click on Review Requests
Privileges Click on Inverted triangle
Privileges These actions will appear after the triangle is clicked
Privileges This page contains the list of privileges a PD can grant, if the FRA grants privileges, they will only be able to select those privileges pertaining to Financial reports
Prior Approval Requests As with any report or submission in the EHBs, you must have appropriate privileges to work on Prior Approval Requests Once a Prior Approval Request is created, the system will generate a tracking number. Please note, the tracking number is not confirmation of submission Prior Approval Requests have a General Information and Details section. Both sections have to be marked as complete before the request can be submitted For carryover requests, the Prior Approval Request has to be submitted separate from the FFR and should be submitted after the current FFR has been submitted showing an unobligated balance
Prior Approval Requests Click on Grants
Prior Approval Requests Clicking on the triangle next to the grant folder link will give you the option to request Prior Approval
Prior Approval Requests Check the acknowledgement
Prior Approval Requests Select the Prior Approval request type
Prior Approval Requests The system generates a tracking number, this is NOT confirmation of submission
Prior Approval Requests
Prior Approval Requests Once both sections are complete, click on Submit
Prior Approval Requests Place a check mark in the Electronic Signature box and click Confirm
Prior Approval Requests A message will display on successful submission of the Prior Approval
Prior Approval Requests If you wish to delete the Prior Approval click on the inverted triangle and choose delete
Resources For technical assistance related to login issues, privileges, accessing reports and submissions, and EHBs system issues, please contact the HRSA Contact Center Toll Free: 877- GO4-HRSA; 877-464-4772 Email: Callcenter@hrsa.gov EHBs URL: https://grants.hrsa.gov/webexternal/login.asp For more helpful information regarding the EHBs, please visit: www.youtube.com and type in HRSAtube or Electronic Handbooks For helpful links on managing your grant please visit: http://www.hrsa.gov/grants/manage/index.html