Project Management Case study & Assignment: Planning the creation of the new Ganaxa corporate website
Case study Creation of a website, back in September 2007, for Ganaxa, an e-paper systems architect and operator. Read about Ganaxa in French: 8 sections in 4 languages: (French - FR, English - EN, Japanese - JA, Chinese - CH) home news (1 page per news item) presentation technology shop (limited, temporary version, announcing future shop) team (1 "bio" page per person considered as "Ganaxa staff") partners contact (form) Ganaxa (LinkedIn profile)
Ganaxa site (1) (now closed!)
Ganaxa site (2 - FR)
Ganaxa site (2 - EN)
Ganaxa site (2 - JA)
Ganaxa site (2 - CH)
Ganaxa site (3)
Ganaxa site (4 - EN)
Ganaxa site (4 - JP)
GPP diagram (step 1 – initial) Content preparation and delivery for optimal use on e-paper devices Images of reformatted content pages (adapted to multiple target e-paper devices) Source content in any language (text & pictures; book, newspaper, catalogue, ad…) Structured content data set in Ganaxa Publishing Format (GPF) (with content in e-paper format, content description, links, etc.) reformat & process add metadata Audiovisual material (adapted to target devices) Additional audio and animations encapsulate in RSS feed e-paper content on individual storage device (SD card, etc.) incorporating Ganaxa’s software Downloadable e-paper content on collective distribution medium (web site, etc.) e-paper content in GPF, encapsulated in RSS feed (users automatically informed of updates and new versions of content) download upload Easy-to-use, high-legibility content on e-paper reading device (e-reader, etc.) recognized and supported by Ganaxa’s display and user-interface software plug & play!
GPP diagram (step 2 – simplified) Content preparation and delivery for optimal use on e-paper devices Text & media optimized for target reading devices Content in any language Structured content in Ganaxa Publishing Format (GPF) GPF content on e-paper storage medium Easy-to-use, high-legibility content on e-paper display/reading device
GPP diagram (step 3 – enhanced)
Ganaxa site (5)
Ganaxa site (6-1) Thibault de la Rivière
Ganaxa site (6-2) Thibault de la Rivière
Ganaxa site (7)
Ganaxa site (8)
Project Management Ganaxa website creation Project planning assignment: information, assumptions, constraints & instructions
Assumptions: Work already done A few people, including YOU, have held a meeting/workshop, and, on the basis of the project charter, summary requirements, as well as budget, resources and schedule constraints imposed by the company owner ("CO"), they have produced and agreed on a comprehensive and detailed Requirements Specification for the (new) Ganaxa website. They also have agreed on a data delivery format and provided the web designer & developer ("DD") with sample content. They have evaluated the work to be done. The CO has approved the final Requirements Specification, and has designated YOU as the Project Manager ("PM").
Assumptions: Work to do YOU (the PM) must now establish a PROJECT PLAN to be given to the CO (on May 16, 2017 at the latest...). The plan must cover everything to be done in order to complete the project following the agreement on the requirements (already obtained, as stated on the previous page...), ie from content creation and site design to project closure, not forgetting overall project management. The plan must clearly show the project's tasks, task sequencing, resources and resource allocation, schedule and cost.
Assumptions: WBS Content creation Site development Project management Call for content Write bios Design site Install & configure Wiki Translate bios Review, adjust & agree on design Write other texts Code site Translate other texts Manage/Supervise project Integrate content Produce diagram Procure other pictures Test site, fix bugs, re-test Accept site Deploy site & go live Close project
Assumptions: Resources * CO € Staff Company Owner / Project Sponsor PM Project Manager (& major contributor) TC Translator/Tester – Chinese (& English) TC OC group member TJ Translator/Tester – Japanese (& French) TJ OC group member PM (YOU!) OC group member OC CO Other (minor) Contributors (group of 4) OC group member Thibault de la Rivière DD External contractor Graphic Designer & Web Developer * No more, no less!
Assumptions: Costs * Not taken into account Staff € 500 per day PM € 500 per day TC € 320 per day TC OC group member TJ TJ € 300 per day OC group member PM (YOU!) OC group member OC CO OC group member Not taken into account Thibault de la Rivière DD External contractor € 650 per day * No costs other than labour!
Assumptions: Resource assignment CO € Approves* site design; writes his own bio & other texts (in FR); procures pictures; accepts website; participates in closure. Staff Manages the project part-time [25%]; issues "call for content"; installs wiki; approves* site design; writes his own bio (EN & FR); translates texts (FR <-> EN); draws GPP diagram (EN & FR); participates in testing; accepts website; participates in closure. PM TC Writes her own bio (CH & EN); translates texts (EN -> CH); participates in testing part-time [25%]; participates in closure. TC OC group member TJ Writes her own bio (JA & FR); translates texts (FR -> JA); participates in testing part-time [25%]; participates in closure. TJ OC group member PM (YOU!) OC group member OC CO OC group member Thibault de la Rivière Write their own bios (in FR). Designs the site, enhances GPP diagram & approves* site design; codes the site; integrates content; fixes technical bugs; deploys the site; participates in closure. DD External contractor * "approves" is short for "reviews, adjusts and agrees on"
Assumptions: Content 17 pages of text in total to write and/or translate: 8 biographies ("bios") (written in FR by each person concerned, translated by PM, TC & TJ) 8 other pages of text (written in FR by CO, translated by PM, TC & TJ) 1 page of text in GPP diagram (written in FR & EN by PM, translated by TC & TJ) Pictures: GPP diagram (prepared by PM, translated by TC & TJ, then enhanced by DD for the site) Other pictures (procured by CO) Editorial specifications are included in the Requirements Specification ("editorial design" task not required in the plan).
Assumptions: Task workloads/durations * (* Including proofreading when relevant, formatting and uploading to the wiki) Writing or translating 1 page of text 1 person-hour (on average) Writing 5 of the 8 bios (the CO's + the OC's) 5 person-hours spread over 3 days Drawing (with text in EN & FR) then enhancing the GPP diagram (after translation into CH & JA, and after site design) 4 person-hours 4 person-hours (drawing, with text, by PM) (enhancing, by DD) Procuring other pictures 1 person-day spread over 4 days Project management 25% of PM's time from day 2 through to deployment
Other assumptions (1) The PM launches the editorial part of the project by issuing a "call for content" (ie an e-mail to all contributors) on day 1. Editorial contributors other than the PM start work on day 2. A wiki is installed & configured (by the PM) on day 1 and used for delivery of content to the DD (upload/download). Final content (fully proofread, therefore bug-free, and properly formatted) is uploaded to the wiki as it is produced by editorial contributors, then, after the site has been coded, is downloaded by the DD and integrated into the site ("container"). (Sample content was already given to DD at the preliminary meeting, so there is no need to include "Sample content preparation/delivery" in the plan.)
Other assumptions (2) CO has committed to writing the "other 8 pages of text" (in French) on day 2. CO has committed to "procuring pictures" (other than the GPP diagram) but cannot work on the task full time, which is why the assumed 8-person-hours workload is spread over 4 days (starting whenever possible after the CO's previous (day 2) task...). CO & OC (the group of 4 "Other (minor) Contributors") are not readily available for "writing their own bios" (in French), which is why the assumed 5-person-hours workload is spread over 3 days (starting on day 2). TC & TJ are available as of day 2. PM and DD are available as of day 1.
Other assumptions (3) DD tests the code and the result of content integration before the site is tested by Ganaxa staff, but such "internal testing" (by DD) can be kept implicit as part of the "site coding" task. Testing by Ganaxa staff is followed by bug fixing by DD, followed by re-testing by Ganaxa staff, without further bug fixing, then followed by acceptance, which does not involve more testing. (Content is assumed to be bug-free, so bugs to be fixed are purely technical.) "Test planning" & "Test case preparation" tasks do not need to be made explicit in the plan. (They are assumed to be part of "Overall Project Management".)
Other assumptions (4) DD is a "trusted external contractor", so the PM does not need to plan DD's technical design/coding/integration work in detail. Detailing tasks in the "Content creation" work package is necessary in order to take into account the constraints of the various editorial resources, and to show TC & TJ precisely when they will need to spend time on the Ganaxa website project. The (temporary) online "shop" does not require any special administrative processes or logistics (at this stage...). The domain name ( has already been acquired, and server space has already been rented through a hosting service provider, for both the "development site" and the "public site".
Constraints Start date = May 29, 2017 Total duration of project no longer than 3.5 weeks (Finish date no later than June 21, 2017) 8 hours per working day (standard setting in MS Project) 5-day weeks (no work on weekends) Public holidays not taken into account (to keep things simple!) Nobody to work more than 100% of her/his time, except for the PM and the CO, who may work up to 130% of their time Total labour cost of project no greater than € 18,000
Now, to make your assignment (and my grading task) easier…
Download incomplete plan from… May be useful…
Project GANAXA – Plan to complete (.mpp) ? ? Durations at the lowest level should have the same values in the completed plan as they have here. Will be (re)calculated automatically
Project GANAXA – Plan to complete (.pod) ? ? Durations at the lowest level should have the same values in the completed plan as they have here. Will be (re)calculated automatically
Assignment instructions (1) Imagine YOU are the PM for this project! Take into account the relevant information given on the previous pages of this document. Download, copy & complete the project plan (.mpp/.pod): define resources (with unit costs) in the "Resource sheet" (use the given 2-letter abbreviations to name resources!); enter appropriate "Resource Names" information in the "Gantt chart"; enter appropriate "Predecessors" information in the "Gantt chart", featuring parallelism between tasks whenever possible. PM using MS Project or ProjectLibre Note: you may need to adjust durations at the lowest level of the WP/task hierarchy to their initial values (as they appear in the incomplete plan provided).
Assignment instructions (2) Check & double-check your project plan!! Send your plan (a single ".mpp" or ".pod" file) to as soon as possible before Wednesday May 17, 2017. Failure to meet the deadline will result in a 0 (zero) grade! Name your file as follows: "YOURNAME_GX_PLAN...", where... "YOURNAME" is your "FAMILY NAME" (eg "SINGH_GX_PLAN.mpp") Failure to comply with this file naming convention will result in a penalty! (Failure to comply with the resource naming convention ( 2-letter abbr.) will also result in a penalty!)
Good luck!