The Last Things The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth Chapter 13 Catechism of the Catholic Church Part One: The Profession of Faith Section 2: Prof. of the Christian Faith Chapter 3: I Believe in the Holy Spirit The Last Things Created by Mr. James Woodmansee for use at Good Shepherd Catholic School.
Old Testament Views of Death Ecclesiastes 9:5 This view was held by the Sadducees in Jesus’ lifetime Daniel 12:1-2 538 BC Judgment
Hell Anglo-Saxon Word meaning to hide Hel is the Norse god of the underworld Hell to Christians is a place of punishment They that have done what is good shall go into life everlasting, and they that have done evil into everlasting life.” (Athanasian Creed)
Hell – Who and What Matthew 3:10 tells us that In Hell there will be _____ Those who _____ will go to Hell Other Heaven references Matt 5:28-9, Matt 18:8, Romans 2:6, Matt 16:26 Matt 13:49-50 tells us that In the end times Jesus’ will judge us and the ____ will destroy the unfaithful casting them into ___.
Hell – More Scriptural Evidence 2 Peter focus almost exclusively on Judgment 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9 tells us who shall not inherit the Kingdom 1 Corinthians 6:9, Galatians 5:20-1, and Ephesians 5:5 tell us that the unjust shall not inherit the Kingdom
Hell – Pains Pain of Sense – Immaterial Fire affecting both Body and Soul Eternal Pain of Loss – Separation from God
Purgatory Catholic Teaching A place of temporary punishment for our venial sins before we enter Heaven
Heaven Anglo-Saxon word meaning “abode of the Godhead” Often used to refer to the clouds, home of the angels, and stars Revelation 22:1-5 gives us a glimpse of what Heaven will be like 1 John 3:2 tells us that We shall ____ God because we will be ____ Him.
Heaven – Beatific Vision Beatific Vision – the ability to see God face-to-face, directly, and clearly The Happiness of Heaven John 14:2-4 and Matt 16:27 tells us that There are different ____ in ____ according to the ____ we have done in our ____. 1 Corinthians 2:9 describes heaven as ____.
Particular Judgment Immediately after death No direct scriptural text to support, evidence is implied Luke 16:22 (19-31) Luke 23:43 Occurs at the location of one’s death
End of the World Matthew 28:20 clearly states that our world will end 1 Thesselonias 5:2 tells us that The time of the world’s ending is ____ except only by ___. After the end of time we look forward to a new Earth 2 Peter 3:13 and Revelation 21:1
End of the World - Signs The Gospel will have been preached throughout the world The Jews will have been converted Prophet Elias and Patriarch Henoch will return from the dead A great apostasy will occur The Antichrist will gain power Increased natural disasters
Final Judgment Scripture implies Final Judgment will be on Earth (Matt 24:27, 37-42 and Luke 21:34) Most believe near Israel Christ will be Judge at his second coming with the aid of the Saints
Resurrection of the Body John 11:24 and 2 Machabees 7:9-14 Show a change in Jewish belief about eternal life St. Paul said the Resurrection of the Body is one of the fundamental truth of Christianity Acts 23:6, 24:15, Rom. 8:11, and Cor. 4:14 Acts 17:16-21
Resurrection of the Body (cont’d) Impassibility – 1 Cor. 15:42 and Rev. 21:4 No more pain or trouble Brightness – Matt 13:43 Shine according to the holinesses with which they lived Agility - 1 Cor. 15:41-43 Ease of movement Subtility - Cor. 15:44 The soul has dominion over the body
Bibliography Holy Bible: New Living Translation. Wheaton, Ill: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2001. Ripley, Canon Francis. This is the Faith. Rockford, Ill: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 2002. Singer-Towns, Brian, Janet Claussen, Clare vanBrandwijk, and others, The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth. Winona, Minnesota: Saint Mary’s Press, 2004. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Compendium: Catechism of the Catholic Church. Washington DC: USCCB Publishing, May 2007.