Introduction of me Also known as SNAP
What is SNAP? Students Needing Access Parity Provides assistance & guidance to students with a documented disability to ensure equal access to College of Charleston programs & services. 11,000 undergrads at CofC : 900 in program Reference brochure 800= 350 LD, 350 ADD, 120 Phys/Psych, ASD, etc – mostly invisible
It’s the right thing to do Why does SNAP exist? It’s the right thing to do
Federal Civil Rights Laws … and it’s the law.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by any program receiving federal financial assistance
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Students with documented disabilities are entitled to receive reasonable accommodations and/or aids that will enable them to participate in all campus educational programs and activities. Success is not ensured; only the same opportunity to succeed!
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) Protects people with disabilities in the areas of employment, public accommodations, state and local governmental services and telecommunications. Requires that all public facilities, services and communications be accessible to people with disabilities and that auxiliary aids and services be provided. What do you think – are we there yet?
Who is a person with a disability? An individual with a “physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.” (Learning is one.) An individual is considered to be a person with a disability if he/she: (1) has a disability, (2) has a history of a disability, or (3) is perceived by others as having a disability. Federal definition.
Students Served
CDS Application Process Voluntary! Application Form Documentation Reference brochure
Documentation Completed by a professional who is qualified to diagnose the disability Enough evidence to qualify student as having a disability Hopefully enough to make a judgment call about…….
Reasonable Accommodations Extended Testing Time Sign Language Interpreters Texts in Alternate Format Permission to take breaks as needed Permission to make up work if absent due to disability Note taking services, as requested by student Permission to eat and/or drink in class and tests, as needed
Sample PNL Student gets electronic copy & is responsible for meeting with Professor to provide/ review PNL
Alternative Testing Site Student testing sign up Timing matters Envelope for you! Return test to SNAP How would you like it returned?
Ask for a volunteer Tell us who volunteered We’ll take it from there! Note Takers Ask for a volunteer Tell us who volunteered We’ll take it from there!
CDS/SNAP General Services Priority Registration Assistive Technology Student support Academic Coaching Quiet, non-distracting testing site Confidentiality Alternative Courses over 3000 tests per year involving 8,000 student & faculty contacts to make this happen. 21 spaces
CDS/SNAP General Services Education/Training for faculty, staff and students Resource Center for College & Community Advocacy Barrier reporting For Universal Access
Please call, visit, or email us any time! We love our faculty! Resources for Faculty Please call, visit, or email us any time! We love our faculty!
Resources for Faculty Faculty Administration Manual Section related to “Students with Disabilities” (VIII.C) Annual SNAP Email – start of Fall semester “For Faculty” webpage – SNAP website Wonderful “Frequently Asked Questions” page:
Questions? Thank you!