The Word – Life (Jn. 1:1-4) From Here To Eternity John 1:1-18
Have Eternal Life (I Jn. 5:11-12) The Word – Life (Jn. 1:1-4) From Here To Eternity John 1:1-18
“The life was the light of men” The Gospel 2 Tim. 2:9-10, Jn. 8:12 From Here To Eternity John 1:4
Light Shines in the darkness Light Shines in the darkness From Here To Eternity Light Shines in the darkness Light Shines in the darkness Darkness “Apprehends” it not…(Jn. 1:5) Darkness never “put it out” (ISV) Darkness does not “overcome” it (NIV, ESV) Did not “Comprehend” it (NAS, KJV, NKJ)
Light Shines in the darkness Light Shines in the darkness From Here To Eternity Light Shines in the darkness Light Shines in the darkness Darkness “Apprehends” it not…(Jn. 1:5) Darkness never “put it out” (ISV) Darkness does not “overcome” it (NIV, ESV) Did not “Comprehend” it (NAS, KJV, NKJ) “True light lights every man…(Jn. 1:9)
Light Shines in the darkness Light Shines in the darkness From Here To Eternity Light Shines in the darkness Light Shines in the darkness Darkness “Apprehends” it not…(Jn. 1:5) Darkness never “put it out” (ISV) Darkness does not “overcome” it (NIV, ESV) Did not “Comprehend” it (NAS, KJV, NKJ) “True light lights every man…(Jn. 1:9) “the world knew Him not” (Jn. 1:10)
Light Shines in the darkness Light Shines in the darkness From Here To Eternity Light Shines in the darkness Light Shines in the darkness Darkness “Apprehends” it not…(Jn. 1:5) Darkness never “put it out” (ISV) Darkness does not “overcome” it (NIV, ESV) Did not “Comprehend” it (NAS, KJV, NKJ) “True light lights every man…(Jn. 1:9) “the world knew Him not” (Jn. 1:10) “his own received Him not” (Jn. 1:11)
Received – Believe on His Name- Children of God Jn. 1:12,16 From Here To Eternity John 1:12-13
From Here To Eternity John 1:12-13 Received – Believe on His Name- Children of God Jn. 1:12,16 Spiritual New Birth Jn. 1:13 From Here To Eternity John 1:12-13
From Here To Eternity John 1:12-13 Received – Believe on His Name- Children of God Jn. 1:12,16 Spiritual New Birth Jn. 1:13 Born of water – spirit – washing of regeneration Jn. 3:3,5; Titus 3:5, Eph. 5:26 From Here To Eternity John 1:12-13
Received – Believe on His Name- Children of God Jn. 1:12,16 Spiritual New Birth Jn. 1:13 Born of water – spirit – washing of regeneration Jn. 3:3,5; Titus 3:5, Eph. 5:26 From Here To Eternity Word –Son – Declared – Grace Jn.1:18