Martin Compton and Danielle Tran (fre)e-portfolios Martin Compton and Danielle Tran
Problem For all the usual reasons we need some form of e-portfolio Previously used bespoke system (cost per user) Tech & support issues (resourcing and time) Very few e.g.s of creative use (such as multimedia artefacts) Organisation, issues & navigation = reluctant compliance Skills transfer/ wider applicability lacking
Literature Issues: compatibility and tech complexity (Stefani et al., 2007) Tech obstacles reduce e-portfolio engagement (Meyer et al., 2011) Rationale: encourages reflection and develops ICT / transferable skills (Kabilan and Khan, 2012) E-portfolio engagement leads to teaching improvement (Meyer et al., 2011) Increases validity/accessibility of assessment and improves assessment process (McAlpine, 2005, 379) Student concerns: ‘buy-in, motivation, assessment and eportfolio technology’ (Tosh et al, n.d)
Our solution Used on short CPD course > PGCE (UoW) > adopted by OCNLR Selected Googledocs (also trialled Free No log in required for users One template multiplied Spreadsheet of links to allocated document Easy back up Reduced support requirement Standardised practice/ easy feedback option Added bonus – transferable skills Requires users to have cloud storage
Some snips
Lessons learned No need to access back up files but still diligent & organised Clarity about security and data protection (built into the portfolio) People still need guidance – biggest issue was getting students to use cloud storage and inserting active links (screencasts were created and this mode lends itself to the portfolio) Many more exemplary portfolios/ creativity/ depth/ pride Process of giving feedback was found to be clearer and easier
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References Stefani, L., Mason, R., & Pegler, C. (2007). The educational potential of e-portfolios: Supporting personal development and reflective learning. Routledge. Kabilan, M. K., & Khan, M. A. (2012). Assessing pre-service English language teachers’ learning using e-portfolios: Benefits, challenges and competencies gained. Computers & Education, 58(4), 1007-1020. McAlpine, Mhairi, E-Portfolios and Digital Identity: Some Issues for Discussion , E-Learning and Digital Media, 2005, Vol 2, Issue 4, pp. 378 - 387. 10.2304/elea.2005.2.4.378 Meyer, E. J., Abrami, P. C., Wade, A., & Scherzer, R. (2011). Electronic portfolios in the classroom: Factors impacting teachers’ integration of new technologies and new pedagogies. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 20(2), 191-207. Tosh, David, Tracy Penny Light , Kele Fleming & Jeff Haywood, Engagement with Electronic Portfolios: Challenges from the Student Perspective ( [accessed: 12/5/17].