Конкурс эрудитов
1.Add the word
The most popular book in the world is:
the Bible
The longest river in the world is:
the Nile
The largest island in the world is
The biggest population in the world is
The city with the highest building in the world is
New - York
The hottest planet is
The second largest island in the world is
New Guinea
2.Tongue twisters
1. Cobis Dob's dog Tobis Momb's dog. 2 1.Cobis Dob's dog Tobis Momb's dog. 2.A girl sees three big grey geese. 3.Fat Pat had a fat cat. Pat's fat cat sat in Pat's hat.
Назовите слова противоположного значения
North Near Bad Old Last Expensive False Big
4. Proverbs
1. It's never too late to learn. 2. First think, then speak. 3 1.It's never too late to learn. 2.First think, then speak. 3.Business before pleasure. 4.Two heads are better than one. 5.The appetite comes with eating.
6. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 7 6.Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 7.One man, no man. 8.They are rich who have true friends. 9.East or West, home is best.
6. Riddles
What has a face but no head, and hands but no fingers?
A clock
What can fly but has no wings?
They stand next to each other and yet they cannot see each other?
What has feet but cannot run?
A chair
It is running night and day, but it never runs away?
A clock
It hears everything and says nothing?
An ear
6. Opposite words
7. Name the colour
Wh low nge vio ue ack ora gr ite let yel be pe ey gre en nk
8. Kate cleaned many things in the house.
Put two words together and you will find what things she cleaned.
win ors ta irs do ed cha dows b ble
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