2016-2017 Presented by Anna Sander sasrr5@yahoo.com
What is Honoring Our Heroes? A writing program sponsored by the Forsyth County Council that encourages students to recognize a person who has been special to them and to express their thoughts through writing. Any student at a PTA school in Forsyth County can participate.
Do you know a real life hero? The program was designed to encourage students to discover “real life” heroes who have shown generosity, trust, persistence, dedication, leadership, creativity, caring, bravery, imagination, service, gentleness, courage or compassion. This is for students to recognize a true hero in their lives.
This year, the students can choose anyone they would like to be their hero, there are no specific requirements. Students who would like to participate should select a real life hero who has made a difference and has shown one or more of the following characteristics: generosity, trust, persistence, dedication, leadership, creativity, caring, bravery, imagination, service, courage or compassion. The student should show how this hero has had an impact on their life.
Who is your real life hero? Examples of who could be considered a real life hero are: Teacher Policeman, Fireman Doctor, Nurse Coach Community leader Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Uncle, Aunt, Neighbor Religious leader School volunteer
Is this a contest? Yes – at the school level. Each participating school will submit one essay per grade to Forsyth County Council. No – at the council level. All essays submitted to FCC will be included in the book, and all authors and their hero will be invited to a reception where they will receive a certificate and a copy of the book. Furthermore, at the council level, we will select one essay per grade for special recognition. There is nothing above the council level.
Before you get started Talk to your principal about how they would like the program to work at your school. There are multiple ways entries can be completed by students: During School Hours or at Home As a class assignment (could be for a grade in the class) or optional
Two program structures During School Hours Students complete essays during class with teacher direction Judging occurs within grade level with each class having a winner From class winners, a winner is chosen from each grade level to be submitted to county Communication with teachers about how to conduct the program is vital. At Home Students submit the essays completed at home by a school-determined due date Judges select a winning entry from each grade 1 entry per grade is submitted to county as winner Advertise via school newsletter, email through Room Parents, website, flyers sent home, etc.
Honoring Our Heroes – LU Process Select a Chairperson Establish a structure (choose between in school or at home program) Determine timeline Publicize Collect entries Judge the entries Award your school winners Turn in grade-level winners to FCC by Friday, February 10, 2017 Attend FCC HOH Reception on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at Brandywine ES.
February 10, 2017 is when entries are due to FCC Timeline Work backward from the FCC due date. Your calendar will depend on how your school implements the program. February 10, 2017 is when entries are due to FCC
Judging Each LU judges their own entries and submits one per grade level to FCC. You can do this similar to how you get Reflections judges. You can also ask teachers to swap from different grades and read the entries. You can use a PTA officer/chair committee to judge. Entries should be judged based on the student’s ability to articulate the qualities of the hero and to describe the manner in which the hero affected the student’s life, either directly or indirectly.
Format of Entries Entries are limited to ONE 8.5x11 inch piece of paper. The student may use both sides of the paper. Entries may be handwritten or typed. Pictures drawn by the students or photos may be included as part of the entry, but they are to be judged primarily on content, and not on artistic ability and they must fit onto the one piece of paper allowed. Photos MUST be emailed to Anna Sander at sasrr5@yahoo.com … I will not accept hard copies. Each entry submitted to FCC must have an completed HOH Entry Form with students name, address, school name included.
The Heroes We are also asking for the Heroes address on the entry form. The hero will receive their own special invitation to the Honoring Our Heroes reception on March 14th. The Heroes will also receive a certificate of appreciation and a copy of the book at the reception.
Submitting Entries to FCC When you submit your entries to FCC, please include a completed Forsyth Council Packet Cover. Completed packets should be mailed by county internal mail or delivered to: Anna Sander - Riverwatch MS Please email me when they are sent so that I can be on the lookout for them. sasrr5@yahoo.com Do not fold the entries! Please lay flat in a 9x12 envelope. Also, be sure to make a backup copy of the entries for your records. Entries must be submitted by February 10, 2017
The Reception The FCC HOH Reception will be held at Brandywine Elementary School on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 from 7pm-8pm. Who is Invited: all school essay winners and their hero, plus their parents and family, PTA presidents and officers, School teachers and principals. Invitations for both winners and their heroes will mailed to you by February 15 via internal mail to your school. You will be asked to mail the invitation to the winners and heroes. That is why it is important to have the addresses on the entry forms. Each winner and their hero will be presented with a book that has all the school winning entries. They will also receive a certificate of appreciation.
Refreshments Each school that participates in HOH is requested to bring a snack item for the Reception that can be eaten by hand (cookies, fruit, cheese, sandwiches, etc.) We will send a Sign Up Genius to each LU HOH chairperson so you can select which snack to bring.
Contact Anna Sander at sasrr5@yahoo.com Questions? Contact Anna Sander at sasrr5@yahoo.com