2016 - 2017 Yearbook & Dedications Order Form Your Name Your email Your Phone Number Child’s Name Child’s Classroom Payments Early Bird Pricing if ordered by 3/24 (others ordered by 4/14) Early Bird Price Reg. Price Qty Total Yearbook $50 $65 $ Full Page (7 1/2” x 9 7/8” ) (DUE 4/5) $100 $150 Half Page (7 1/2” x 4 7/8”) (DUE 4/5) Layout Service (MUST BE RECEIVED by 4/5) (We will place provided photos/text) $25 $35 Total Payment Payment “X” if selected Online through Greater Giving via - https://claremontsch.ejoinme.org/YEARBOOK
Yearbook Purchase Only: Instructions Yearbook Purchase Only: Fill out the form and save in the following name format: child’s last name_first name_class_YB (e.g., Brown_Charlie_Polar_YB) Email the renamed file to MCSYearBookInfo@gmail.com; email title should be “Yearbook Purchase” Make the payment through Greater Giving via the following link: https://claremontsch.ejoinme.org/YEARBOOK __________________________________________________________________________________ B. Yearbook + Dedication Page Purchase: Dedication Design This template is in MS Powerpoint but In Design, Illustrator or MS Word can also be used..File will be converted to PDF; if preferred, an editing enabled PDF file may be submitted. If submitting a pdf file, please make sure the resolutions are high enough to print You can create your own design or use the included templates – full page size is 7 1/2” x 9 7/8” and half page size is 7 1/2” x 4 7/8” Insert photos (high resolution / 3MB+) Write your dedication (please only use basic fonts like Arial, Times Roman or Courier) Not all fonts translate in the yearbook system Add borders if desired and feel free to change font and border colors as well. Layout service is very basic. Please email the following: half or full page ad, text/your dedication, font (Arial, Times Roman, Courier) text color and attach photos to MCSYearBookInfo@gmail.com. A proof will be sent for review. We will place provided photos/text in a design similar to the samples below, depending on number of photos sent. Layout service available until APRIL 5th! If any questions, please email MCSYearBookInfo@gmail.com Yearbook + Dedication Submission- DEDICATION PAGE SUBMISSION: DEADLINE – APRIL 14, 2016 Save the order form and dedication page file in the following name format: child’s last name_first name_class_Full (or Half) (e.g., Brown_Charlie_Polar_full or Brown_Charlie_Polar_half) If sending a pdf file, please make sure to follow the file naming convention above and that it’s editing enabled in case we need to edit the name header above the page. Email 1) order form and 2) dedication page to MCSYearBookInfo@gmail.com; email title should be “Dedication” Make the payment through Greater Giving via the following link https://claremontsch.ejoinme.org/YEARBOOK
INSERT Child’s First and Last Name, Class Room Black, Arial 10 Full Page (7.25” x 9.875”) Option 1 Photo(s) [TEXT] Font Options: Arial, Times Roman, Courier
INSERT Child’s First and Last Name, Class Room Black, Arial 10 Full Page (7.25” x 9.875”) Option 2 Photo [TEXT] Font Options: Arial, Times Roman, Courier Photo
INSERT Child’s First and Last Name, Class Room Black, Arial 10 Full Page (7.25” x 9.875”) Option 3 Photo Photo [TEXT] Font Options: Arial, Times Roman, Courier
INSERT CHILD’S NAME & CLASSROOM HERE- Black, Arial 10 Full Page (7.25” x 9.875”) Option 4 Photo Photo [TEXT] Font Options: Arial, Times Roman, Courier
Photo [TEXT] Photo [TEXT] Half Page (4.875” x 7.25”) Option 1 INSERT CHILD’S NAME & CLASSROOM HERE- Black, Arial 10 Half Page (4.875” x 7.25”) Option 1 Photo [TEXT] Font Options: Arial, Times Roman, Courier INSERT CHILD’S NAME & CLASSROOM HERE- Black, Arial 10 Half Page (4.875” x 7.25”) Option 2 Photo [TEXT] Font Options: Arial, Times Roman, Courier
Photo(s) Photo(s) [TEXT] Photo(s) Photo(s) [TEXT] INSERT CHILD’S NAME & CLASSROOM HERE- Black, Arial 10 Half Page (4.875” x 7.25”) Option 3 Photo(s) Photo(s) [TEXT] Font Options: Arial, Times Roman, Courier INSERT CHILD’S NAME & CLASSROOM HERE- Black, Arial 10 Half Page Option (4.875” x 7.25”) 4 Photo(s) Photo(s) [TEXT] Font Options: Arial, Times Roman, Courier