English In years 5 & 6 Reading, Writing & SPaG


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Presentation transcript:

English In years 5 & 6 Reading, Writing & SPaG “There is no friend as loyal as a book.”  — Ernest Hemingway

How do we teach reading? Use the skills of reading across the curriculum Guided reading sessions: focusing on a different skill Decoding, retrieval, summarising, inferring, predicting, meaning, language, compare Interventions: supporting children depending on how the Guided Reading lesson went Encourage reading stamina throughout the week

How do we teach writing? Non-negotiables: things that every child must achieve in the lesson Children given a ‘success criteria’ to ensure progress Self/peer assessment Genre/Text discussed Sentence level taught alongside Modelled writing

The importance of editing. Helps children to reflect on what they have learnt Encourages the children to correct their own spelling’s – they are much more likely to learn how to spell words they have had to correct themselves. Sets the children up for further education

How do we teach spelling? Spelling: A spelling rule taught every week Support: Words used throughout the week, and their meaning discussed Support: Encouraging movement/singing to help retention Support: word mats and writing frames during writing lessons

Year 5/6 spelling examples. accommodate accompany according achieve aggressive amateur ancient apparent appreciate attached In Year 6 we will be revising spelling patterns from year 3 / 4 also.

How do we teach punctuation and grammar? Taught alongside our teaching of writing in English lessons. If a particular concept has been difficult, a mini-lesson or plenary will take place In year 6 the terms are taught more explicitly.

Maths in Year 5 & 6 “The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics” Paul Halmos

Topics and strands. Number and place value Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Fractions, decimals and percentages Ratio and proportion Algebra Measurement Properties of shapes Position and direction Statistics

“To the person without number sense, arithmetic is a bewildering territory in which any deviation from the known path may rapidly lead to being totally lost” Dowker (1992)

How do we help children to practise their times tables? Timetables practice in class (short, regular activities) Songs and rhymes to help remember key facts Timetables rock stars Repetition – keep practising the tables you already know – Just like a musician continues to practise!

How to we teach the four operations in Years 5 and 6? In the later years of ks2 we move away from concrete ways of doing Maths and teach methods that are more abstract. + + - -

+ Addition Add increasingly large numbers mentally using an expanding range of strategies. Use rounding to check answers and make estimates.  Understand the place value of tenths and hundredths.  Solve multi step problems in different contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and explaining why.  Read, write, order and compare number to 1 million.  Round any number to 1 million to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10 000 or 100 000.  Add numbers with more than 4 digits using column addition.

Subtraction - Solve addition and subtraction multi step problems in context, deciding which operations to use and why.  Read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 10 million and understand the value of each digit. Round any whole number up to 10 million to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10 000, 100 000, or 1 million. Use negative numbers in context and calculate intervals across zero. Look at a calculation and decide whether you need to use a mental method, a jotting, a written method or a calculator to solve

Division Identify multiples and factors, using secure x table facts to 12 x 12. Solve problems where larger numbers are decomposed into their factors. Multiply and divide integers and decimals by 10,100 and 1000. Recognise and use square and cube numbers and their notation. Solve problems that have different combinations of operations, picking the most useful methods..

Division – Long division -

Short Division (bus stop method)

Multiplication Use multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 to solve more complex problems. Decide when to use short or long division and interpret remainders in a way that is appropriate to the problem.  Perform mental calculations for problems involving large numbers and mixed calculations. Identify common factors, common multiples and prime numbers. Use estimation to check answers to calculations and determine accuracy. Use written methods of division to solve decimal problems up to 2 decimal places. Solve problems which require rounding to 10, 100, 1000 and beyond

Multiplication – Short +

Multiplication – Long

Maths reasoning “Mathematical reasoning is the critical skill that enables a student to make use of all other mathematical skills. With the development of mathematical reasoning, students recognise that mathematics makes sense and can be understood.”

Developing Mathematical habits.. Being curious Thinking mathematically Working collaboratively Showing determination

Activities – Find 100

How can you support your child at home? Have a positive attitude to maths! Talk maths with your child e.g. "How much change will I get from...?", “How many obtuse angles can you see around us?” Involve children when taking measurements or weighing items Give children opportunities to use money to shop, check change etc Talk about the mathematics in sport e.g. What does the dart player need to land on to win? Are there others ways to achieve that score? Encourage quick recall of multiplication and division facts. Look at number puzzles/challenges from newspapers. Share strategies and methods (allow your child to be the expert) When helping your child calculate, use the method that your child has been taught

Maths and English interventions. Afternoon catch up sessions Student passports Encouraging the children to become self sufficient at using resources “It’s ok if I make a mistake!”

Thank you! 