10/24 Materials: Writing Portfolio Pen/Pencil and Vocab sheet from basket
Agenda Vocabulary list 4 Organize writing portfolios Keeping your lists… Organize writing portfolios Tracking work completed Check list Vocabulary Summative Remediation Review
Chronicle Ben consulted the chronicles of the period to find the facts about what happened for his project.
Chronicle Definition: A history of events in time order Part of Speech: Noun
Oblige Jacob asked his friend Jason to help rake his 2 acre yard, and Jason obliged. 1
Oblige Definition: do as someone asks to please or help them; to do something as a favor Part of Speech: verb 1
Dense The fog this morning was dense and made driving very difficult as I could hardly see a thing. 1
Dense Definition: thick Part of Speech: adjective 1
I detest when my teacher gives me homework on the weekends.
Definition: to hate Part of Speech: verb Detest Definition: to hate Part of Speech: verb
My teacher knew every line and could recite the poem verbatim.
Definition: word for word Part of Speech: adverb and adjective Verbatim Definition: word for word Part of Speech: adverb and adjective
Benevolent How benevolent of you to help families in need at Thanksgiving!
Benevolent Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: good, kind
Admonish My drama teacher would admonish students for repeatedly forgetting the lines.
Admonish Part of Speech: Verb Definition: to scold
Stern Looking into that stern face, she felt like a child caught with her hand in the candy jar.
Stern Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: strict or serious
Crass I wish he would realize that his racism and bigotry are based on crass stereotypes of people that are just as human as you and I.
Crass Part of Speech:Adjective Definition: rude, crude, and socially unacceptable
Vigilant With all the new ways of cheating that students are constantly coming up with, teachers have to be more vigilant than ever.
Vigilant Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: watchful
Writing Portfolio’s All of the work we have completed should be organized the following way: Table of Contents in the front (we will continuously update this) All work, in order, 3 hole punched and placed in the tabs.
Table of Contents (QT. 1) 10/17 “Coming to Our Senses” Central Idea and Idea Development 10/18 “When I heard the Learn’d Astronomer” Text Analysis Anything else DOES NOT belong in your Writing Portfolio. Vocab stays with you! 8/25 Dolphin Article Thesis Practice 9/12 Informative Writing – Research Paper (or remediation) 9/14 Informative Writing Practice VLT – with peer review sheet and rubric. 9/23 Informative Essay VLT 9/28 My Life as a Bat (t-chart fact check) If you are new-ish, please put this information, but in the completed comment section – put the date you registered.