Conference for Community Preservation Committees Planned Production
What is Affordable Housing? HUD definition Program definitions Chapter 40B definition “Subsidized development” At least 25% of units affordable to hh’s earning at or below 80% of AMI Regulatory agreement Affirmative marketing
What is Planned Production? Planned Production vs. EO 418 Process Develop a Plan that meets state requirements Obtain state approval Request certification of compliance Local control over 40B applications during period of certified compliance
What is required to secure Plan approval? Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment Address a mix of housing consistent with identified needs Provide strategies with production goals Address long-term use restrictions
What type of actions should be included in the Plan? The Plan must address at least one of the following actions: Identify geographic areas in which land use regulations will be modified Identify specific sites on which 40B applications will be encouraged Identify preferable characteristics of development Identify municipally owned parcels
How do we get started? Designate a local housing committee/ partnership Prepare a Plan Community outreach and education Establish a local non-profit organization/Housing Trust Establish partnerships
What resources are available to help us? Local resources, land and buildings HUD State FHLBB Regional housing agencies Non-profit organizations Foundations Private donations