What are the characteristics of freshwater?
big little/small empty full happy sad/unhappy tall short day night up down top bottom new old fat thin/slim clean dirty dry wet right left open closed
Review: Naming Part, Verbs, Action Part 1.- Jack throws the dish. 2.- My puppy eats his dinner. 3.- She rides her new pink bike. 4.- Rob washes his old shirt. 5.- The cat finds the fish. 6.- Patty breaks the paper. 7.- My dad talks to his cousin. 8.- The girls listen to a song.
Daily Fix-It 1.- is dress. This small red a 1.- This is a small red dress. 2.- sweater. That gray a is short 2.- That is a short gray sweater. 3.- a is skirt. This purple long 3.- This is a long purple skirt.
Amazing Word surf To ride on a wave.
We like to surf.