INTRODUCING THE “TEENAGER” http://splash.abc.net.au/digibook/-/c/618362/popular-culture-in-post-war-australia
Top 20 charts from Everybody's magazine, 16 March 1966 Top 20 charts from Everybody's magazine, 16 March 1966. How useful are such charts as primary sources? Source: Everybody’s Magazine, 16 March 1966, Reproduced with permission of Bauer Media
Read the stories of two significant Australian bands: ACTIVITY Investigate early influences. Surf music originated in California, but because of climate and culture it became very popular in Australia. Read the stories of two significant Australian bands: The Atlantics - The Atlantics achieved enormous success with their hit single 'Bombora'. Have students research its international impact. The Echomen - The story of The Echomen is closely linked to the emergence of Indigenous Australian popular music. Discuss why Johnny Forrester has never been recognised as an Australian surf music pioneer.
The Beach Boys, Sydney 2012 shows the band in a 2012 performance. ACTIVITY Time comparison: The Beach Boys tours 1964 and 2012. The Beach Boys – live on Ready, Steady, Go! shows the band in a 1964 performance. The Beach Boys, Sydney 2012 shows the band in a 2012 performance. Use the clips as primary source material and analyse them to identify continuities and changes. Consider: the music, instruments used, content of songs and the nature and reaction of the audience.
Top 20 charts from Everybody's magazine March 16, 1966 (PDF, 218 KB) ACTIVITY Discuss the role of the media in expanding the impact of rock 'n' roll using: The role of the media in expanding the impact of rock 'n' roll (PDF, 90 KB) Top 20 charts from Everybody's magazine March 16, 1966 (PDF, 218 KB)
H/W Assessment task