GCSE Business Studies Unit 2 Developing a Business Motivation
Images © thinkstockphotos.co.uk Learning Outcomes Explain the importance of motivation for employees, referring to (lower labour turnover, higher quality work, fewer accidents and less absenteeism) Identify and evaluate the suitability in various circumstances of these methods of financial motivation (bonus, commission, fringe benefits and profit sharing) Identify and evaluate the suitability in various circumstances of these methods of non-financial motivation (job rotation, team working, quality circles and flexible working) Analyse the following factors affecting job satisfaction (wages/salaries, responsibility, success, enjoyment, working conditions and praise) Images © thinkstockphotos.co.uk
Importance of Motivation Lower labour turnover Higher quality work Fewer accidents Less absenteeism www.bbc.co.uk/education/guides/zstpvcw/video Images © thinkstockphotos.co.uk
Financial Methods of Motivation Bonus – extra payment usually for reaching a target Commission – percentage of sales made by a sales person Fringe benefits – perks of the job e.g. company car, pension schemes Profit Sharing – employee receives a share of the profit Images © thinkstockphotos.co.uk
Non-financial Methods of Motivation Job Rotation – move around different jobs to prevent boredom Team Working – teams of workers with different skills and abilities responsible for organising and carrying out the job Quality Circles – like team working but with a focus on improving quality Flexible working – a way of working that suits an employee’s needs e.g. flexible starting time/finishing time. Images © thinkstockphotos.co.uk
Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction Wages/Salaries – Usually the more an employee gets paid the more motivated they become. Responsibility – If employees are given tasks which involve responsibility, then they tend to become more motivated Success – Employees like to work for a successful business, this is rewarding and helps to motivate them. Enjoyment – If employees enjoy what they are doing they work better and there is usually less absenteeism. Good Working Conditions – Employees will be better motivated if their working environment is clean, tidy and modern. Praise – Employees tend to respond well to praise for work that has been well done. Images © thinkstockphotos.co.uk
Images © thinkstockphotos.co.uk Check List Learning Check – Do you know . . . 1. The importance of motivation for employees? The advantages and disadvantages and suitability in various circumstances of methods of financial motivation? circumstances of methods of non-financial motivation? 4. Factors affecting job satisfaction? Images © thinkstockphotos.co.uk