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Presentation transcript:


PHILOSOPHY OF HUMAN PERSON QCPU VISION The constituents of the Philippines as a whole, while starting in Quezon City, in particular enjoy the good life mainly as a result of their native talent, gained wisdom and hard work.

QCPU MISSION To provide education that will awaken full understanding of the essence of the natural resources of the country, and the potentials of the human resources of the nation.

COURSE DESCRIPTION Philosophy of Man covers questions and issues concerning man as an existent being. The discussions revolve around the triadic structures of his phenomenological experience: his relationship with himself, with others and the Absolute Thou with emphasis on the Filipino in the context of his culture and society.

COURSE OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the students should be able to: Appraise the body and soul relationship and discuss its existential implications. Show concern to others as a result of one’s existential connectedness with fellow human beings.

Use material resources with care. and limits so the others are not Use material resources with care and limits so the others are not deprived. Assume a stance against the social and technological apparatuses as a strategic mechanisms of dehumanizations.

Demonstrate a meaningful. tolerance to one’s uniqueness Demonstrate a meaningful tolerance to one’s uniqueness and existential complexities. Support love of nature inspired by man’s natural unity with the cosmos. Commit and assume responsibility to the concept of death and the Absolute.

Be able to use the available tools to develop his ability to think and capacity to reason out. To fully understand the contemporary definition of philosophy and its uses for the development of his person. To become an abled philosophers who will become logical in the presentation of his concepts and ideas.

Be able to understand the theories and. concepts of philosophy and use Be able to understand the theories and concepts of philosophy and use them as the stepping stones to develop their mind and intellect. To have a gut to question everything for them to have something in their mind. To acquire necessary qualities to become a critical thinker.

INTRODUCTION Why do I really want in life? What makes me happy and feeling fulfilled? People keep busy groping for some answers what they think can satisfy them. This is your first step to a meaningful life.

Some people believe that their. goals, dreams and ambitions can Some people believe that their goals, dreams and ambitions can shape one to be happy. Some also believe that aspiring for medals, recognitions, trophies, power, fame, glories make them feel fulfilled. Why is it that after achieving those things mentioned, there is still that feeling of emptiness?

Is it because we have not acquired. much what we want in life Is it because we have not acquired much what we want in life? Achievements may lead one to become fulfilled and happy in life only when he perceived as means and not as ends-in- themselves.

What is man? Our main objective is to understand him. Understanding man is to believe in his nature that he is capable of living a meaningful life. Why should we insist that man should live a meaningful life? How should man live with it? The meaning of life is far greater than that of his own personal achievements.

You can be nurse, a lawyer,. doctor, an engineer or You can be nurse, a lawyer, doctor, an engineer or anything that life can offer, but have I come to realize what it is to be a nurse, a lawyer, a doctor or an engineer? All of these are nonsense and gibberish if he has not found the meaning of life.

To find the meaning of life is to. shape one’s own life. That will To find the meaning of life is to shape one’s own life. That will give you a sense of fulfillment and direction as an individual person, as a man. Searching for the meaning of life is finding the purpose for which you are meant for.

It is a lifetime journey; and you do. not travel alone – you’ll be It is a lifetime journey; and you do not travel alone – you’ll be travelling with you, with me, with him and with them. And this makes our journey significant for together we search the purpose for which we are meant in our/his life.

Searching for the meaning of life. is not searching for the Searching for the meaning of life is not searching for the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning of a person’s life at a given moment (Victor). And in the process, achieving our end.

Every day is not a happy day, a sad. day. In times of happiness and Every day is not a happy day, a sad day. In times of happiness and sorrow, in pain and pleasure, in joy and sadness there is always a reason for which everyone has to know and find. And once able to find the reason of these moments, these sad days and happy days will be the most meaningful days of his life.

“A single meaningful day is. worth living than a. thousand sad days” “A single meaningful day is worth living than a thousand sad days”. It does not matter how long you’ll live but how you live every single moment of your life.

As long as a man lives, he. should exist with a sense. of purpose As long as a man lives, he should exist with a sense of purpose. And this life is the journey towards in search of something. It is actually a journey inward.

So long enjoy your trip. May this. humble effort of mine will be So long enjoy your trip. May this humble effort of mine will be able to contribute to each and every one of you for the search of true meaning of life or understand what makes life worth living and on the process achieving your end which is………..

liberation of yourselves from the bondage of ignorance.