The Egyptian Society For Maternal And Fetal Medicine Prof. Dr. El Sayed El Badawy Awad President Of The Society
What is the society for maternal fetal medicine ?
The Society was established in 2015 to give Maternal-Fetal Medicine (MFM) physicians and scientists a place to share knowledge, research and clinical best practices in order to improve care for moms and babies.
This society is concerned about the field of maternal fetal medicine that has witnessed great progress in the last two decades. All obstetricians and gynecologists are invited to participate in the activity of the society .We hope that the society will be a professional home for all participants .we expect to have active participation from other specialties e.g. obstetric anesthesia, clinical genetics, neonatology internal medicine, clinical chemistry as well as pediatric surgeon .
How to become a member?
Madina Women's Hospital at Smoha, Alexandria, Egypt Where Madina Women's Hospital at Smoha, Alexandria, Egypt
Mission We dedicate ourselves to: • improving maternal and child outcomes, and; • raising the standards of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of maternal and fetal disease through: • support for the clinical practice of maternal-fetal medicine • research • education/training • advocacy • health policy leadership
To lead the global advancement of women's and children's health through: • pregnancy care • research • advocacy and; • education
Board staff Society board: Prof.Dr.El sayed El Badawy Awad ,Alexandra university. Prof.Dr. Mohamed Momtaz ,Cairo University. Prof.Dr. Alaa El Ebrashy, Cairo University. Prof.Dr. Mona Abou El Ghar, Cairo University. Prof.Dr. Ahmed Zakaria, Cairo University. Prof.Dr. Abou Bakr El Nashar,Banha University. Prof.Dr. Mohamed El Sherbini,Damietta Prof.Dr. Ahmed Ramy, Ain Shams University. Prof.Dr. Mohamed Kamal,Ain Shams. Prof.Dr. Sherif Akl, Ain Shams . Prof.Dr. Ibrahim Mahrous, El Azhar University. Prof.Dr. Mahmoud Abd El Naby,Alexandria University. Prof.Dr. Tarek Karkour, Alexandria University. Prof.Dr. Hend Shalaby , Mansoura University. Prof.Dr.Dalia El Haig,Zagazig University. Scientific Committee: Prof.Dr. Sherif Negm. Prof.Dr. Rasha Kamal. Dr. Aly Alaa . Dr. Asmaa Khalil . Dr. Tamer Abd El Dayem. Dr. Loay Zaid. Dr. Ahmed El Habashy. Dr. Nouran Adel.
Meetings & Events during 1 year Doppler in obstetrics workshop. Fetal Neuro sonogram workshop. cervical Sonography workshop. Session in AICFM conference
Condition of participation All delegate of the conference will be members of the society . You can fill the registration form online. all members of the society should be specialist in Obs. & Gyn.
Official journal sono-sign The official journal of the society Invitation to the Authors (scientific papers, research work, clinical reviews )are welcome to submit for publishing.
Thank you