NAM in D-INSITU 12-13.04.2010 Slovenia
“Acquisition of Near-Real-Time unvalidated data” Work package D-INSITU 1 “Acquisition of Near-Real-Time unvalidated data” NRT station representativeness evaluation
Objective Criterion definition for representativeness flags assignation. Function of: emission type (traffic, industrial); station type (urban, rural, isolate); validated data availability (climatical and pollution):
Data involved for representativeness study Topographical component (altimetry map with 30 m resolution, CLC 2006 map, population repartition using ortophotos 2005-2006 with < 1m resolution) – after GEOmon Project - Global Earth Observation and Monitoring of the Atmosphere Climatological component (wind, temperature, pressure, cloudiness, etc. – measured and boundary layer parameters computed - e.g. mixing height); Air quality component (emission inventory): emission sources location and parameters; imission measurement station location and type; emission/imission inventory. Imission dispersion maps using OML model.
Methods Digital Elevation Model Dispersion climatological model (OML); Use of GIS for common geo-referencing of all available data
Proposed steps for flags definition Climatological analysis of pollutants local dispersion - at very high resolution To compute the dispersion the following data are needed: - Altimetry; - Land cover classes (with very high resolution) used to compute the roughness and other parameters; - hourly data are extracted for wind (2007-2009), temperature, pressure, cloudiness, etc. from the weather stations; - statistical analysis on speed threshold, direction frequency / other parameters. II) Correlation between climatological dispersion and the affected area - Correlation with population; - Correlation with affected land cover class (arable, forest, pasture etc.)
Air quality and meteorological networks
Digital elevation model - 30 m resolution (Detail for Pitesti)
Corine Land Cover 2006 (detail for Pitesti)
Population (detail for Pitesti)
Climatological dispersion of PM, 2007 - annual average
Climatological dispersion of PM, 2008 - annual average
Questions 1. Data retrieval (from MACC or NEPA ?) of the info related to air quality data / pollution sources locations, measurement stations locations, measurement station type? 2. Any suggestions from already implemented methodologies in MACC are very welcome; 3. Are there already defined criteria for reprezentativeness?