Work-Package 5: MAMA-NET Hellenic Centre for Marine Research – HCMR (former NCMR and IMBC) Objective to establish the basis of a prototype system for exchange of Operational Oceanography data and information products between Mediterranean partners (MAMA-Net) MAMA Final meeting, Tunis March 2005
WP5 goals and progress assess the current networking capabilities of the MAMA project partners and define the networking requirements of the information system. The respective work was carried during the 1st year of the project and the deliverable was completed in time during the 2nd year define the standards that will be used for data exchange; the respective work was successfully carried out and completed during the 2nd year of the project. implement elements of the pilot network and publish information products of operational oceanography in the Mediterranean Sea. The respective work was initiated during the 2nd year with the development of the MAMA-Net portal and was completed during the last semester (month 32) with enrichment of the network with new information products. the Marine Data and Information Management workshop which was part of WP5 has been organized during month 25 of the project. MAMA Final meeting, Tunis March 2005
WP5 Tasks Task 5.1 Establish the backbone for a regional marine information network in MED 5.1.1 Networking. Requirements and Standards 5.1.2 Data / metadata exchange standards. Implement pilot network. 5.1.3 Development of WWW interface Task 5.2 Workshop on MDIM (Marine Data and Information Management) in the Mediterranean 5.2.1 Presentation of IOC/IODE system 5.2.2 Evaluation of data management and exchange functionality in MED 5.2.3 Resource kit for oceanographic data and information management MAMA Final meeting, Tunis March 2005
Task 5.1.1: Networking basis of NET- MedGOOS Data providers can support the data flow along MAMA-Net, since in almost all cases (9 out of 12) the Internet connection line speeds are over 1Mbit/sec. Even for providers that use lower speeds, there is no problems for the operation of MAMA-Net either because the amount of data is small or because the update frequency is low Completed during the 1st year. Deliverable D8 available through project’s Web page: MAMA Final meeting, Tunis March 2005
Task 5.1.2: Data/information management capabilities and access definition of information products to be exchanged through MAMA-Net, including standard protocols and formats to be used This goal has been achieved during the 2nd year of the project. HCMR compiled the final list of products and IFREMER reviewed the commonly used formats and quality control procedures for oceanographic data. publication of information products on MAMA-Net by project partners This work was initiated during the 2nd year of the project and was completed by month 32. Efforts will be made to maintain the operation of the network beyond the end of the project MAMA Final meeting, Tunis March 2005
Task 5.1.2: MAMA-Net products NCMR: NRT Buoy data (meteo, waves, t,s, …) meteorological and wave forecasting products ENEA: NRT VOS data (XBT) + ADRICOSM CTDs IOLR: MedGLOOS station data IMBC: Sea Level and R/S Data ICM/CSIC: NRT R/S data IFREMER: Archived Hydrology – Coriolis data centre products OC-DFMR: R/S Data + forecasting products + MedGLOSS UNIBO: OGCM outputs and forcing fields IOI-MOC: MedGLOSS station data NIB: PIRAN buoy data IOR: ROSCOP data INSTM: Archived Hydrology IHM: Archived Hydrology MAMA Final meeting, Tunis March 2005
Task 5.1.3: Development of WWW Interface The first version of the MAMA-Net portal has been delivered by ENEA during the 2nd year of the project and since then it was continuously updated and enriched with new products. The web server hosted by ENEA through the web site offers to all project partners and external users information on availability and accessibility of operational and archived products of Operational Oceanography in the Mediterranean Sea MAMA Final meeting, Tunis March 2005
Task 5.1.3: MAMA-Net Web Interface (1) MAMA Final meeting, Tunis March 2005
Task 5.1.3: MAMA-Net Web Interface (2) MAMA Final meeting, Tunis March 2005
Task 5.1.3: MAMA-Net Web Interface (3) MAMA Final meeting, Tunis March 2005
Task 5.1.3: MAMA-Net Web Interface (4) MAMA Final meeting, Tunis March 2005
Task 5.1.3: MAMA-Net Web Interface (5) MAMA Final meeting, Tunis March 2005
POSEIDON buoy data in MEDATLAS format *GN36200440308 POSEIDON XXXX UNKNOWN 08/03/2004 08/03/2004 AEGEAN SEA 36 HCMR, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research Kostas Nittis Project= POSEIDON Regional Archiving= GN Availability=P Data Type=M01 n= 1 QC=Y Data Type=H72 n= 5 QC=Y COMMENT *GN36200440308XXXX0 Data Type=M01 *DATE=08032004 TIME=0000 LAT=N37 30.54 LON=E025 27.58 DEPTH= 139 QC=0000 *NB PARAMETERS=13 RECORD LINES=00008 *YEAR YEAR (yyyy ) def.= 9999 *DATE DATE (mmdd ) def.= 9999 *TIME TIME WITHIN DAY (hhmmss ) def.= 999999 *DRYT DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (Celsius degree ) def.=99.999 *WSPD WIND SPEED (m/s ) def.=99.999 *GSPD GUST WIND SPEED (m/s ) def.=99.999 *WDIR WIND DIRECTION (degree ) def.=999.999 *ATMS ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE - SEA LEV(millibars ) def.=9999.999 *WAHE SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT (m ) def.=99.999 *WADI MAIN WAVE DIRECTION (degree ) def.=999.999 *WAPE MEAN WAVE PERIOD (s ) def.=99.999 *CUSP CURRENT SPEED (cm/s ) def.=99.999 *CUDI CURRENT DIRECTION (degree ) def.=999.999 *GLOBAL PROFILE QUALITY FLAG=0 GLOBAL PARAMETERS QC FLAGS=0001111111111 *COMMENT *ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - TIME SERIES *EDATE=08032004 ETIME=0000 ELAT=N37 30.54 ELON=E025 27.58 EDEPTH= 139 QC=0000 *SENSOR DEPTH= 0 (metre) DISTANCE TO BOTTOM= 139 (metre) QC=00 *DURATION= 1 (day) QC=00 *SAMPLING RATE=10800 (second) MAGNETIC DECLINATION= * *SURFACE SAMPLES= *YEAR DATE TIME DRYT WSPD GSPD WDIR ATMS WAHE WADI WAPE CUSP CUDI 2004 0308 060000 7.535 10.395 13.843 21.473 1032.087 1.852 38.375 4.517 17.399 124.003 0001133111113 2004 0308 090000 7.474 8.907 11.379 35.508 1033.352 1.666 31.459 4.441 13.600 114.000 0001333111113 2004 0308 120000 8.011 5.888 9.010 16.831 1032.358 1.254 37.079 4.038 12.501 131.001 0001313113313 2004 0308 150000 9.145 7.191 9.662 0.181 1031.094 0.886 18.501 3.385 8.501 150.002 0001113113113 2004 0308 180000 9.428 6.466 8.486 359.423 1030.823 0.849 14.755 3.353 4.399 130.001 0001333111113 2004 0308 210000 9.584 3.143 5.360 359.000 1031.274 0.718 12.376 3.433 2.202 67.000 0001331111113 9999 9999 999999 99.999 99.999 99.999 999.999 9999.999 99.999 999.999 99.999 99.999 999.999 9999999999999 MAMA Final meeting, Tunis March 2005
Sea level data from the Adriatic Sea MAMA Final meeting, Tunis March 2005
Ocean color data available through CSIC MAMA Final meeting, Tunis March 2005
Task 5.2: Workshop on MDIM Completed by month 25. The workshop was organized during the 5th MAMA progress meeting, Malta, January 2004 MAMA Final meeting, Tunis March 2005