8th Grade registration
Due date EVERYTHING is DUE Thursday, March 9. You can turn it in early, but it MUST be turned in March 9. (Otherwise, we pick for you ) Write Counseling Center at the top of the form. Counseling Center-DUE: Thursday, March 9 MILLCREEK JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Student Name________________________ 8th GRADE COURSE REQUESTS Student ID#____________________________ SCHOOL YEAR 2017 - 2018
Block schedule next year A Day: periods 1, 2, 3, 4 B Day: periods 5, 6, 7, 8 80 minute class periods RAP is 35 minutes long Monday- Thursday
Important data Use this information on your registration forms to help you make informed decisions for your course selection. Proficient: 3 or 4 Non-proficient: 1 or 2 SRI Lexile proficiency Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 1000-1155 1040-1155 1080-1305
Core classes Everyone takes Math, English, U.S. History, Science, P.E., Health and Digital Literacy.
Math Math Progression for 8th grade: Math 7Math 8 We will determine final math placement by proficiency levels with SAGE or End of Level math equivalent scores and teacher recommendation. We will contact you in May if we have concerns about the math placement. Math Progression for 8th grade: Math 7Math 8 Math 7 Honors Math 8 Honors Accelerated Math 7/8 Secondary Math I Hon.
Summer math options The USTAR program offers math classes through the district. You MUST let your counselor know if you will be completing a summer class. If you’re interested in summer math to advance your math level or help you gain stronger math skills please click on the following website. http://www.davis.k12.ut.us/site/Default.aspx?PageID=474 REGISTRATION for classes is closed until March 1st pending funding. We also have printed information available in the Counseling Center after March 1.
Honors English, History and science These classes are advanced classes. The reading and writing is more rigorous and the projects are bigger. Your reading lexile level in this class should be 1150. If you are interested in taking an honors class, you must: Sign the honors application. Circle the class you want on your form. Think about what you love. Take a class in that area. Don’t overload yourself. Students may sign up for Honors English, Science or U.S. History. We will then review student reading scores, and prior academic success in applicable 7th grade classes. Students will be invited to remain in the honors class based on this information.
Enriched reading Reading is one of the most important skills you can have and will need to succeed in the world. We have looked at your reading scores. For some students we are requesting that you take Enriched Reading next year. It is a ONE semester class. We have attached a letter and written it on your form. This is NOT optional. If your parents sign the letter for you to get out of the class, we will then drop it for you.
Read 180 Read 180 is a reading intervention class to make sure you are reading on grade level. We have written in “Read 180” in ONE box on your registration form. However, this is a FULL year class and should be written in TWO boxes.
**There is NO SUMMER P.E. this year** We enroll ALL 8th graders to take P.E. Mile run every other Friday and NO Fitness Tuesdays There are three choices for P.E. 1. Traditional P.E. 2. Basketball (Advanced Team Sport) 3. Volleyball (Advanced Team Sport) On your course choice form, circle which sport you want to play. **There is NO SUMMER P.E. this year**
Fine arts credit All students must take ONE credit (two semester classes) of art or music between 7th and 8th grade. This can be Art, Music Exploration, Orchestra or Band. If you have not taken this in 7th grade, we wrote ART on your schedule.
art If you want to take an art class, you must first take Art 1. After you have Art 1 you can take any of the other art classes. If you took 2-D or 3-D art, you can take it again in 9th grade. Mrs. Harris will have different projects for you to do. Cut and paste the link below on your computer for more specific information and examples of art projects. http://lauraeharris.wix.com/millcreekjrart#!foundations/coxj
Choir(counts for art credit) There is a Men and a Women’s choir for 8th graders. Men and Women’s choir can be a semester or a full year. If you want a full year of choir, write it in two boxes on your registration form.
Band(COUNTS FOR AN ART CREDIT) If you are in Band Level 1 this year, sign up for Concert Band (Band Level 2). If you are NOT in band, you can take beginning band next year. Try outs for Jazz band are in May. You try out for Jazz band and then we put it into your schedule for a 0 period before school.
Orchestra (COUNTS FOR ART CREDIT) If you are currently in orchestra, Mrs. Krivanec wants you to take Orchestra Level 2. You need to have a full year commitment to this class. If you are not in orchestra and want to take this class, you can sign up for beginning orchestra. You will then set up a time to meet with Mrs. Krivanec and see what you need to do to be ready for this class.
Keyboarding 1 It is important to be able to type well. If you can’t type a minimum of 35 wpm with 80% accuracy, you need to take this class in 8th grade.
Digital literacy This is a new state required class. ALL 8th grade students will be enrolled in the class. You learn computer skills for Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
Cte credit If you like Mrs. Rosier and Mr. Chandler’s CCA class, take a more advanced and in-depth form of it. Classes are: FACS Exploring Tech. 1 (woods/metals) Exploring Tech. 2 (engineering/design)
World languages It is a great idea to learn another language. It helps you communicate with others, get a job and get paid more in a job. We strongly recommend taking a language. We offer Spanish and American Sign Language (ASL). The U of U requires 2 years of a foreign language taken in 7 - 12th grades. The Regents’ Scholarship requires 2 years of a Foreign Language in 9 – 12th grades.
Spanish The following classes are available: Spanish 1 Spanish 2 *BHS and WXHS have Spanish classes.
American sign language ASL can be taken as a semester or full year class. If you want ASL for a semester write it in ONE box. If you want ASL for a full year write ASL in TWO boxes. ASL 1 counts as a language credit if you take it a full year. ASL 2 is only available at WXHS in grades 10-12.
Alternate classes Be sure to write in at least FOUR alternates. If you can’t get in a class, and you don’t have an alternate, we will give you a class that WE choose. We don’t want to choose your classes so please choose alternates.
Application classes TA, office aide, or peer tutor You must fill out an application for these classes. Turn these in with your class choice form. We give 9th graders first choice for these classes.
Special Requests If you know you have a special need for next year, you may write this on the back of your registration form. DO NOT ask for: art 1st period, P.E. 2nd period, science 3rd period. This won’t happen. DO ask: I have fall allergies and so I need P.E. in the spring. I will probably play a sport and so I need an easier classes 4th/8th period. For health reasons I need 1st lunch. You can request teachers, BUT be wary of rumors and what you hear from other students. Just because one person struggled with a teacher, doesn’t mean you will. We are not able to accommodate every request because of various conflicts in your schedule.
Quiz When is this form due? What do you need to turn in if you want to take an honors class? What do we need you to include just in case you don’t get your 1st choice?