Welcome to 7th Grade Mathematics Mrs. Deborah E. Cammack, Teacher
Birmingham City Schools’ Mission Statement Our Mission is to guide all students to achieve excellence in a safe, secure and nurturing environment.
Birmingham City Schools’ Vision We will be a recognized leader in public education, meeting the needs of a diverse student population prepared to succeed in a global society.
Mrs. Cammack, who are you? Veteran Teacher (22 Years, Grades 3-7) Passion: Mathematics! My Favorites Are: Book: Bible Actress: Sandra Bullock Miss Congeniality Music Genre & Artists: Jazz - Dave Koz and Friends Summer Horns Pass Time: Sudoko Puzzles, Yoga New Studies: American Sign Language & Understanding Deaf Culture Talent/Gift: Teach, Organize, Encourage
Deborah Elaine Stewart 7th Grade, age 12 Birmingham City Schools G. W Deborah Elaine Stewart 7th Grade, age 12 Birmingham City Schools G.W. Scott Elementary School
Will I be treated equitably? Yes! Will everyone be treated the same? No, everyone is NOT the same.
What will I learn this year? College and Career Ready Standards and beyond with real-world connections Five Strands of Mathematics Ratio and Proportional Reasoning The Number System Expressions and Equations Geometry Statistics and Probability
How will I be graded? Categories Class work: individual, working collaboratively with others, bell ringer, problem/question of the day, exit tickets, quick-writes, etc. (all work assigned in class) Homework Projects Assessments
What are the guidelines? The Birmingham City Schools’ Student Code of Conduct
School-wide Guidelines
School-wide Guidelines
Classroom Guidelines
Consequences Warning & documentation (Guideline Infraction Notice) Behavior Plan, parent contact Discipline Referral See BCS Student Code of Conduct for detailed guidelines and consequences.
Results of following Guidelines Productive learning environment
Guidelines vs. Procedures Distinguish guidelines from procedures. Guidelines = Rules Procedures = Routines
School Arrival Procedures Report to the lunchroom for breakfast. Report to the hallway. Sit in your designated area. 7:45 A.M. Report to your locker then to your homeroom.
School Locker Procedures Go your locker at the designated times. Concentrate on the task at hand. Move quickly and quietly. Clear the locker area.
School Dismissal Procedures Apply hallway procedures. Bus riders go directly to your bus. Non-bus riders go to your designated areas. Look for your ride. Refrain from eating/drinking while waiting for your ride.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES The purpose of classroom procedures is set in motion daily routines so that our class will flow smoothly and we will make the most of our instructional time.
Classroom Procedures Entering the Room Please enter quietly. Have a seat. Take out your materials. Homework on your desktop. Begin work immediately.
Classroom Procedures If You Are Tardy Enter quietly. Excused tardy: Place excuse in designated area Sit quietly and begin work immediately.
Flow of the Class College and Career Ready Standards, Essential Question, Mathematical Practice Standards Pre-requisite Skills Bell Ringer Problem of the Day/Week Class work Homework Please note the classroom is labeled with each component.
Classroom Procedures If You Dare Not Have Your Work Date:______________ Name:_________________ HR:________ Subject:_______________ No Assignment Form Completing assignments are your responsibility as a student. Missing Assignment:_______________________ Reason:____________________________________ ____________________________________________
Classroom Procedures Getting Your Attention Teacher: Stand and raise her hand or quiet sign. Students: Everyone get quiet.
Classroom Procedures Heading Your Paper Name Date Class Topic of Assignment
Classroom Procedures Discussions: Classroom & Collaborative Group Please participate. Give your attention to the speaker. Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion. If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask it later.
Classroom Procedures Turning your papers in Turn papers face down on your desktop. Teacher or allocated responsible student will collect papers from each group.
Classroom Procedures Finished Work Early? Start on homework assignment. Solve critical-thinking mathematical puzzles. Read magazine articles that make real-world mathematical connections.
Classroom Procedures Pass-Out-of-Class Apply the ASL sign for restroom. Wait to be acknowledged. This acknowledgement is usually non- verbal.
Classroom Procedures Class Dismissal The teacher dismisses you, not the alarm. Quietly start packing and tidying your area when signaled by the teacher. Line up quietly behind/beside your desk. Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with, “Have a productive day!”
Learn everyday of your life! Knowledge is Power! Learn everyday of your life!
Your Future!