Knights, Princesses and Castles Maths Find number facts to 20 Count in 2s, 5’s and 10’s Add and subtract using numbers to 20 and beyond Write numbers as words Understand multiplication as repeated addition Understand division as sharing Add and subtract 1 and 2 digit numbers to at least 20 History / Geography Why how and where were Castles built? Who lived in castles? What did they eat? Wear? Do? Place castles on a time line What are the different parts of a castle? Hold a medieval banquet Where would be the best place in Downton to build a castle? Art / DT Creating a moving knight using split pins Combining materials to create a knights shield Designing and creating shoe box castles Exploring shade and colour mixing Beginning work in sketch books Computing We are treasure hunters – using a programmable robot, understanding what an algorithm is and programming a toy to follow it. Use and understand directional language Science Light Observe closely using simple equipment, Perform simple tests Gather and record data Knights, Princesses and Castles Year 1 Term 4 2016 Music Da Cappo Scheme – rhythmic and singing activities Medieval music! Literacy Continue daily phonics work at appropriate phase. Guided reading Using a story mountain to plan and write stories Use conjunctions to join sentences together Use a question mark, exclamation mark, full stop and capital letter correctly. RE The Easter Story - Why was Jesus welcomed like a king on Palm Sunday? Our value this term is hope. PE Gym and games Partner work using apparatus Throwing and catching using different sized and textured equipment PSHE Friends and friendship – getting on and falling out