DO NOT PRINT IN WORKBOOK Saving Lives Exercise ACE Programme DO NOT PRINT IN WORKBOOK WFP Logistics, We Deliver
DO NOT PRINT IN WORKBOOK Lesson Objectives By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: 1 Describe the negotiation challenges and limitations when allocating resources DO NOT PRINT IN WORKBOOK 2 Describe the coordination challenges between actors in emergencies 3 Describe the consequences of decision making in emergencies
Objectives of the Exercise Simplified Scenario Assumptions about inputs and outputs DO NOT PRINT IN WORKBOOK Objective Minimise the loss of life Agency responsibility Government Responsibility
Update: South-West Province Updated assessment figures from South-West Province have seen the number of beneficiaries requiring assistance increase to 500,000. The only functional transport route for supplies is through Tonle. This single pipeline is being coordinated by the Mewong Ministry of Transport. DO NOT PRINT IN WORKBOOK
Roles in the Team Ministry of Transport Officer National Food Authority DO NOT PRINT IN WORKBOOK Ministry of Housing Ministry of Health Observer from Prime Minister’s Office
Briefing: Saving Lives There is a humanitarian crisis that requires the coordination of different government and non-government agencies. There will be three different meetings, at one month intervals, to negotiate the allocation of limited transport capacity between the agencies. 65 minutes to participate 20 minutes to debrief DO NOT PRINT IN WORKBOOK
DO NOT PRINT IN WORKBOOK Your Challenge Meet the need for your agency’s goods Minimize the overall loss of life due to unmet needs (inability to meet food, health or shelter needs will cost lives) Your performance in optimizing deliveries and minimizing loss of life will be measured at the Agency and Group (i.e. table) level DO NOT PRINT IN WORKBOOK
Briefing: Saving Lives Three rounds, one for each month of the crisis Info provided each month Review info and plan for meeting At meeting negotiate delivery quantities De-brief as role, table and plenary 1. Information provided 2. Plan for the meeting DO NOT PRINT IN WORKBOOK 3. Negotiation meeting 4. De-brief & learning
Debrief Questions Ministry of Transport What were the challenges of leading this meeting? DO NOT PRINT IN WORKBOOK Other Ministries What were the challenges of having your needs heard and met? What are the lessons for managing logistics in emergencies?