What's New from ART New products for 2017
Raising & Lowering DVD Comprehensive guide for teachers & ringers Takes you through the process form raising or lowering a single bell to trebling up and down Well illustrated
Learning the Ropes Handbells Learning scheme for handbell ringers from rounds to Surprise Minor or Plain Bob Major in five Levels Support and advice on SmART Ringer for each Level Certificates for each Level Workshops to support more later on ...
50 Ringing Things Challenge scheme for ringers Register and start collecting Designed to motivate new and existing ringers to get ‘involved’ and do a variety of ringing challenges Motivate and extend knowledge Comprehensive tips on SmART Ringer Certificates of Achievement more later on ...
ART website is a year old – we’ll be conducting a review New ART Directory New Shop to come Directory General info ART website is a year old – we’ll be conducting a review
SmART Ringer More info for new ringers etc.. redesign
Tower Talk A newsletter for new ringers Contributions by new ringers 3091 email addresses Edited by Ruth Suggett Produced by Mike Rigby
ART Workshops AIMS To widen and extend teaching resources provided by ART Create a broad range of ringing topics to be delivered at the local level Involve a greater number of ringers in teaching at the local level
What are ART Workshops? Run by workshop leaders Covering a broad range of topics Materials provided by ART Advertising Delivery [organisation, power point presentations, notes etc.] Delegate resources [notes handouts etc.] Timetable/program Central admin by ART Delegate details/payment
ART Workshops Up and running To be released in 2017 Calling Plain Bob Doubles Conducting - Plain Bob Minor Mentor Development Bell Maintenance Simulator Awareness To be released in 2017 Listening and Striking Recruitment and Retention Teaching Handbells Tower Leadership and more …
Simulator Awareness Workshop Hardware & hoftware How to use a simulator to gain extra practice time How simulators support Learning the Ropes Emphasis on giving people hands on practice using a simulator. Takes people through the various stages where simulators can be used as a learning tool R Booth
Who are ART Workshop Leaders? Good communicators with specialised knowledge of the workshop content ART Member Can you run a workshop and become a workshop leader? Contact: Graham Nabb
A Ringer’s Guide to Learning the Ropes A step-by-step guide for ringers of all ages from bell handling through to ringing Plain Bob Minor inside The fundamentals of ringing are explained in an easy to read, uncomplicated style Learning tips are provided to highlight certain important information Follows the five Levels of Learning the Ropes progressive scheme
A few comments from those who have had a preview “I absolutely love the layout with the colours and diagrams, it is just the sort of resource that I would choose to learn from and actually learn something from it!” “I found the chapters most informative, written in an easy, non- fussy way, suitable for all ages.” “I think that your uncomplicated method of explaining the fundamentals of ringing is completely necessary for all ages.” “Proficient ringing will not be obtainable without the basics and your chapters have captured this fact.”
A Teacher’s Guide to learning the Ropes Watch this space ...