The Cold War
Definitions Marshall Plan Containment Policy Domino Theory US gave aid to Europe to rebuild after WWII and prevent Communism spread Containment Policy Idea to prevent communism from spreading to any new country Domino Theory That if one country became communist, then another will, and then another and then … Iron Curtain Name given to the divide in Europe by Churchill
The Problem in Germany Germany was divided into four parts after the war including Berlin US, France, and Britain combined their parts of Germany (West Germany). The Soviets viewed this as a threat, so they set up a blockade around West Berlin to prevent food and other supplies from reaching the city. Berlin Airlift
The Space Race In 1957, the Soviet Union launched its first satellite, Sputnik, into orbit around Earth, inaugurating what became known as the Space Race The US eventually lands a man on the moon
The Arms Race America and Russia both begin making more and even larger nuclear bombs trying to outdo each other
Cuban Missile Crises Cuba becomes communist under Fidel Castro Failed Bay of Pigs invasion by America to overthrow Castro Cuban Missile Crises Russia places Nukes at Cuba
Korean War After WWII USSR took over the North Part of Korea, Japan surrendered the Southern part to the United States North Korea attacks South Korea in 1950 United States and 16 other countries sent troops to help under the lead of General Macarthur
Korean War North Korea takes over South Korea America pushes North Korea back to China China enters the war and pushes America back to the original dividing line America still keeps troops on the border, no mans land
World War III? Macarthur advised the USA that since China backed up North Korea the USA should attack China Macarthur’s plan would be to drop nuclear bombs on China and go to war against China and the USSR President Truman fired Macarthur after refusing to give up on his plan
Random happenstance of the war Several Soviet Spies were caught in the US Senator McCarthy Started making wild accusations that the USA had tons of Soviet Spies, and started persecuting innocent people U2 Incident USSR shot down an American Spy plane during peace talks
Other aspects of the Cold War America overthrew government and helped dictators in Central and South America to prevent communism from spreading This included the countries of Guatemala, Nicaragua, Chile etc…
Afghanistan War 1979 USSR invades Afghanistan America secretly helps the Afghanistans defeat the USSR in a long drawn out war Afterwards the US decided not to support the rebuilding effort in Afghanistan
Osama Bin Laden Bin Laden a millionaire from Saudi Arabia decides to help rebuild Afghanistan He becomes a hero of the country and the Taliban takes over Later becomes the leader of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda
The Final Decades of the Cold War Era In 1980,the U.S. and the Soviets had about 12,000 missiles pointing at each other ready to be used. “Star Wars” laser defense shield lie The Soviets could not financially compete in the arms race.
The Thaw - Gorbachev Started new policies Glasnost Openness, to end censorship, talk about problems with the government Perestroika Restructuring of the government Allowing some free trade
End of the Cold War Gorbachev tore down the Berlin Wall (1989) Many of the Satellite countries left the USSR When Gorbachev resigned from presidency there was no longer a USSR