.King Saul pursuing David.
MEMORY VERSE: “And Saul called all together to war, to go down to Keilah, to besiege David and his men” (1 Samuel 23:8)
INTRODUCTION After David Killed Goliath, king Saul knew that David would be a good soldier and did not allow him to go back to his home in Bethlehem. David live a holy life and work had in which he became a successful soldier in the army of Israel. God always protect him from danger and gave him victory whenever he went to battle. David was well known and loved by all the people in Israel. David success did not make him proud, but humble himself. David is ready to go wherever kind wanted to send him. Therefore be like David, do not allow anything that God did for you or your family makes you proud. God loves the humble and resists the proud.
.King Saul pursues David to kill him.
.David always make king Saul happy with his Harp.
King Saul was not happy that David was well known than him. He became jealous of David and planned secretly to kill him. Jealousy in an inward sin that God hates. You know what people can see you when you fight but cannot see the jealousy and hatred in your heart. God who sees every heart knows the thought of your heart. God is love, and wants all His Children to love one another, even want us to love our enemies and do good to those that hate us. Here is the question are you jealous of your sister/brother, neighbour or classmate because of what they have which you don’t? Jealousy leads to hatred. Repent now and ask God to forgive you and wash your heart with the blood of Jesus. Hell fire is the end of all unrepentant jealous children.
.Ways Saul attempted to kill David. He threw javelin at him to pin him to the wall. David ran away and Saul gathered 3,000 soldiers to search for David. King Saul left his throne to joined in this evil search to catch and kill David. But God loves David as He loves all righteous children. God protected David and did not allow Saul and his soldiers to catch him.
.King Saul threw javelin at David to kill him.
.David ran away from the army to hid in the wood and Jonathan searched for him.
.King Saul search for David in the cave.
.King Saul and his men went to seek David.
.Saul left the throne to search for David.
CONCLUSION. Therefore children as God protected David from all harm and deliver him from the hand of Saul, He will protect and deliver you from all evil in Jesus name.
QUESTIONS: 1.Jealousy or envy is a bad character. Yes/No? 2.God is love and wants all His children to love. Yes/No? 3.Why was Saul jealous of David?___________ 4.What should you do when others are jealous of you?______ 5.How can a jealous child enjoy Jesus love?______
LESSON: God will always defend and help His own children. THOUGHT: I will remain a child of God so as to be protected. ACTIVITY: Go and say sorry to someone you have been jealous of at home, church and in the school. HOMEWORK: Ask your parents to tell you the end of jealous King Saul and Pharao.
REFERENCES: mbnails/011-david-saul-cave.jpg?1436947170 jealousy-of-david.jpg mbnails/013-david-saul-cave.jpg?1436947170 k/zun96bHDLuc/s1600/David+flees+saul.jpg https://s-media-cache- ges/001-saul-amalekites.jpg