How we make ethical decisions Ethical Theory How we make ethical decisions
Why does this topic matter? “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. ...never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.” John Donne, Meditation XVII School of Information Technology Semester 2
Why do we need to be concerned about ethics? software piracy hacking viruses and malicious intent Internet pornography Internet crime intellectual property rights company ownership vs personal knowledge Etc, etc School of Information Technology Semester 2
What do we mean by “Ethics”? The term “Ethics” comes from the Greek word “eqos” or “ethos” “An inner dwelling place” “Custom” “That which is common or usual” It can also mean “The instituted order” School of Information Technology Semester 2
Ethics - definitions “A system of moral thinking that provides the basis for all decision making involving issues of “Good and Bad” or “Right and Wrong”. “The practice of making principled choices” “The practice of making defensible choices” School of Information Technology Semester 2
What is “ethics”? Ethics is about making choices involving issues of right and wrong, good and bad Typically ethical decisions involve choices between:- Right and wrong Right and right Wrong and wrong School of Information Technology Semester 2
Difficulty is knowing what is ethical. Consider – what beliefs have changed over time? Class discussion What determines “good” and “bad’? God and ten commandments? Conscience and intuition? Greatest good for greatest number? Most reasonable thing to do at this particular time? Full and perfect life? Absolute right thing to do? Are people endowed with a natural desire to do good? School of Information Technology Semester 2
How do we “know” what is right and what is wrong? Associations Family Peer group Community Written word Laws Moral conventions Moral philosophy Religious teaching Professional codes of conduct School of Information Technology Semester 2
How do we “know” what is right and what is wrong? Self Concept Who and what we believe ourselves to be – choose bahaviour that is consistent to our self view Consider which of the above categories have impacted on your ethical decision making. Class Discussion School of Information Technology Semester 2
Values Received From Family and Community Examples of Common Moral Values Values Received From Family and Community Do good to others Do no harm (either intentional or unintentional) Put others ahead of one’s self Respect for elders Take consequences seriously School of Information Technology Semester 2
Values Received From Family and Community Loyalty Integrity Consistency Commitment Truth telling Forgiveness Honour Duty School of Information Technology Semester 2
Informal Ethical Tests – used most days The “Mum” test The “TV” test The “Market” test The “Smell” test The “Shush” test The “Other Person’s Shoes” test Shame Or Guilt? What do you think these mean? Imagine how you would feel if the roles were reversed School of Information Technology Semester 2