Professional Engineering Practice Engineering Codes of ethics Image credit: PCStuff 03:50, 31 July 2006 (UTC)
PPE: ethics overview Ethics exam: Ethics answer structure: typically one question requiring short answers relating to PEO admission / licensing / organization / complaints and discipline process etc. typically three questions on ethical issues Ethics answer structure: Use EGAD (see end of this slide pack) Refer to specific clauses of O Reg941/90 Section 77 (code of ethics) and Section 72 (professional misconduct) See next office mix for details These are provided in PPE – will be provided in your mid-term and final exam for this course too. Image credit:
General principles Duty to society Duty to employees and subordinates Duty to employers Duty to the profession Duty to clients Duty to oneself Duty to colleagues
PEO code of ethics Service and Human welfare Public understanding Business ethics Duty to others and environment Competence and knowledge Signing and sealing documents Faithful agent or trustee Conflict of interest Overruling of judgement Professional advertising Breach of code
Two ethical standards Gold-standard, to which all professional engineers are bound: O. Reg. 941/90 Section 77 – Code of Ethics Minimum standard, below which constitute grounds for discipline by the association O. Reg. 941/90 Section 72 – Professional Misconduct Note – this is separate from any other legal action, other than disciplinary, that may be taken (covered in second half of course).
EGAD Ethical Issue Generate possible course(s) of action at its simplest, the clauses of sections 72,77 that could apply Generate possible course(s) of action And how those actions address 72, 77 Analyze the courses of action How well does the new course of action reflect a good outcome? Decide What course of action is the most appropriate per the code?