Ms. Hernandez & Ms. Saltos 5th Grade 2017-2018 School Year Welcome to Open House ! Ms. Hernandez & Ms. Saltos 5th Grade 2017-2018 School Year
Welcome Parents The goals for our open house are... To help parents understand the work your child will be doing throughout the school year. To explain my expectations of your child. To share information about how you, as parents, can support your child’s learning. Parents are allowed in the school Monday and Tuesday. e goals for our open house are...
Florida Standards Assessment Students will be assessed in the following subjects: Reading (Computer-based Testing) Math (Computer-based Testing) Writing Science (FCAT 2.0) Testing will take place between March – May 2018. Please plan to attend a Parent Night to discuss more information regarding our Florida Assessments
Subjects Language Arts Reading / Language Arts STAR / AR Subjects Every student will be taking the STAR test on a quarter basis to assess their reading level Students should be checking out books from the library at their reading level Students will be given a quarterly reading goal based on their individual independent reading level… (Meeting their goal is two GRADES PER QUARTER!) Students will be required to read for at least 30 minutes daily Summer Reading Assignments Due by Wednesday, August 24th iReady Wonders Series Chapter Books Language Arts Writing (tied to Wonders)
Subjects Mathematics Common Core Standards Go Math! Series Online resource Tests I-Ready Science NGSSS (FCAT 2.0) Fusion Series Gizmos Lab Reports Social Studies
Home Learning Policy Home learning will be posted on the school website and students are responsible for writing it in their agendas every day. Any graded assignments that is handed in late will be penalized for 20% for every day that it is late. After 3 missing home learning assignments they will receive a detention and after 3 detentions a Principal’s referral will be issued. Although Home Learning will be posted on the website, please refer to your child’s agenda in case of any changes.
Every family is responsible for completing 30 volunteer hours. Step-by-step instructions on how to become a cleared School Volunteer can be found on our School Website: How to Become a School Volunteer School-wide volunteer opportunities can be found on our School Website via Volunteer Spot For alternative volunteer opportunities, please feel free to contact me Every family is responsible for completing 30 volunteer hours.
Online Store 1. Log on to our school website and select school (DAC or JAM) 2. On the HOME PAGE, click on the tab STORE 3. In the ONLINE STORE WEBSITE select a school (DAC or JAM). 4. After selecting the school, you will see all options available (Agenda, Jean Day, Field Trips …). 5. After selecting the item/event, click ADD items to CART. 6. Then LOGIN or CREATE a NEW ACCOUNT. 7. After logging in you can see the items in your cart and proceed with the purchase (here you MUST SELECT A STUDENT) 8. If creating a new account, go to “items in your cart” and proceed with the purchase, but you will be prompted to add a student profile (FULL NAME & STUDENT ID) .Every item/event purchased must be linked to a student (Parents can have one account with more than one student profile.) *** The Online Store will NOT store your credit card information for security purposes.***
$ School Fees $ Folder $2.50 Agenda $10.00 NEW black Doral Mom and Dad shirts $15.00 New Friday Shirts $13.00 Jean Day (First Quarter) $9.00 Jean Day (Whole Year) $35.00 Lunch $3.25 Lunch Free/Reduced $0.40 Breakfast $2.25 Breakfast Free / Reduced $0.30
Student UNIFORMS Tops: Polo shirts must be red, white or navy blue and embroidered with the school name and logo. All shirts must be tucked inside pants at all times. Bottoms: Pants/skirts may be navy blue or khaki. Belts must be worn at all times. They must be plain, black, and fastened securely at waist level. Shoes: Black closed toe shoes or sneakers must be worn. No sandals, crocs, boots, heels or platform shoes are allowed. Sweaters: Navy blue uniform sweatshirts and sweaters with embroidered school logo may be worn.
Uniform Policy On jean day, appropriate blue jeans should be worn (no capris, shorts, painted or ripped jeans) and $1.00 for our ongoing fundraiser should accompany the child. (Remember to pay for quarter at the online store.) Uniforms may be purchased at “ALL UNIFORMS”. All uniform shirts must be embroidered with school logo!
Rolling Book Bags In order for students to be exempt from the “no rolling book bag” rule, a doctor must fill out the Physician Statement Form available at the nurse’s desk Students with a rolling book bag who do not have the required form on file will be asked to call home for a replacement book bag School nurse will keep a master list of all students requiring a rolling book bag We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring our students’ safety Hi! I’m Nurse Cathy!
Electronics Cellphones, iPads, and other electronics are not to be used on school grounds. This includes but is not limited to bathrooms, hallways, classrooms, and dismissal. Any electronic devices including, but not limited to, cell phones, iPads or smart watches that are seen or heard will be confiscated. The school will not be responsible for lost or damaged electronics.
Doral Academy Attendance Policy Tardies (5-7-10 Rule) 5 tardies: Notification to parent (phone call or email) 7 tardies: Written notice sent home to parents 10 tardies: Referral issued . 3 Referrals = Expulsion Classroom door opens at 8:10 and instruction begins promptly at 8:30. Students are marked tardy after 8:30
Doral Academy Attendance Policy Absences (3-5-7 Rule) 3 Absences: Parent will be contacted by phone or email 5 Absences: Student will receive the 1st referral 7 Absences: Notification letter sent home 10 Absences: Student will receive the 2nd referral . 3 Referrals = Expulsion Excused Parent Notes Only 10 parent notes are allowed in a school year, when you have reached your parent note limit only doctor’s note will be accepted. Notes to excuse an absence will NOT be accepted after 48 hours.
Doral Academy Attendance Policy Students cannot be signed out early during the last half hour of the school day. Please keep this in mind for field trip days or other school events. Ten early dismissals will result in the student being issued a referral. When picking up your child, please make sure that you have the Doral Academy decal on your car visor with your child’s name and teacher’s name. A person under the age of 18 will not be allowed to pick up your child. Please make sure that children are not put in danger during pick up by having them cross 97th Ave. Students must be picked up by 3:15 PM. After 3:15 PM, you will charged $1.00 per minute by Leap Services.
Morning Traffic Flow
Parking Parents are not allowed to park in the staff parking or drive through area! If you need to get off at the school, please park in the Carlos Albizu Parking lot were there are plenty of spaces available.
School Policies It is imperative that we teach our students to be responsible. Please be aware that if a parent brings an item to school, classes will not be interrupted. Lunch boxes will be taken to the cafeteria and left unsupervised.
Parent Slide Honor roll 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarter Honor Roll will be held inside classrooms with students only. This allows: Immediate feedback to students for a job well done Inclusive classroom environment for peers to congratulate and encourage each other More time for classroom instruction 4th Quarter and Year Round Honor Roll will be held in the cafeteria followed by the Book Fair and an outdoor celebration. Parents will be invited to participate in these end of year events.
Perfect attendance policy Doral Academy and JAM award Perfect Attendance to students with zero absences and zero tardies. Please note that the DAC/JAM policy is different from the standard MDCPS policy for awarding perfect attendance. To ensure students make their best effort to be present at school every day, referrals will be issued for the following: 5 unexcused absences = 1 referral 10 tardies = 1 referral 10 early releases = 1 referral
Parent Communication through Social Media & Group Texts We are very lucky to live in a world full of technology and mass communication. We ask that you please be mindful of what is posted and texted through social media or group chats, such as WhatsApp or Messenger. Should any situations arise or should you have any questions or concerns, please come to us first for clarifications or answers. This will avoid the spread of misinformation or rumors. We are a proud TEAM
ALL birthday celebrations Birthdays ALL birthday celebrations are to take place in the cafeteria. Parents can provide cupcakes & juice only at lunch time. (Store bought cupcakes are preferred due to allergies.)
Communication I am always available to discuss any concerns that you may have. Call the school and leave a message (305) 597-9999 Send a letter with your child Email me at & I will respond within 24 hours
School Website
End of the Year Field Trip More details to come soon…
In the intermediate grades we focus on preparing the Students for Middle School. We promote and encourage independence. Please help your child be Responsible.
Ms. Dani Physical Education Mr. Lopez Ms. Dani Mr. Montero Mr. BARBOSA
Physical Education Program In this program students will learn the benefits of a healthy lifestyle by implementing physical activity in their daily routine and mindful dietary choices. The promotion of better health habits is our number one priority. Very Important! Our Welcome Packet with specific information about Physical Education supplies and other necessary forms (ex. Physical Education Excuse Letter, and/or Contact Information form) are included with your Home Room Teacher’s Welcome Packet. Parent Contact Information Form MUST be entirely completed and turned in by Friday August 25th.
Physical Education Apparel and Grading Policy Mandatory Athletic Shoes Red PE Folder Highly Recommended Water Bottle/Jug Sunscreen Hat Sunglasses Grading Policy One Grade per week Grades (100 Point Scale) Skill Test Participation Team Work / Cooperation Written Assignment Written Test Behavior in Class Proper Uniform
Thank you For your Support and cooperation. Any Questions, coaches will be in their classrooms during open house hours.
The Musical Year at a Glance QUARTER 1 Music Theory, Rhythm Reading, Solfege, Composers & Musical Eras QUARTER 2 World Music/Holiday Music, Recorder, Rhythm Reading, Solfege, Composers and Musical Eras QUARTER 3 Music Theory Review, Recorder, Instrument Families, Rhythm Reading, Solfege, Composers and Musical Eras QUARTER 4 Musicals, Composers, Recorder, Rhythm Reading, Solfege, Composers and Musical Eras *The quarterly topics are subject to change throughout the year.*
Music Supplies for 5th Grade 5TH GRADE CLASSES For Students To Bring/Have For Music Class: -Pack of No.2 Pencils (Sharpened) -1 Black Two Pocket Folder (clearly marked with child’s name) -Line Paper in Folder (placed inside folder) -Musical Staff Paper (notebook or loose-leaf placed inside folder) -Pencil Sharpener -Index Cards -$7 for a Recorder (to be purchased in October from the Music Department/Doral Online Store ) For Students To Give To Ms. Losada and Mr. Alvarez: -1 Ream of Copy Paper
DAC ELEMENTARY CHORUS DAC Elementary Chorus Auditions for students in 3rd-5th grade will take place after school in the music room. Below are the Dates and Times: August 24th – Previous Chorus Member Meeting – 3:00pm-3:45pm August 28th – 5th Grade – 3:00pm-4:30pm August 29th – 3rd Grade Boys – 3:00pm-4:30pm August 30th – 3rd Grade Girls – 2:00pm-4:00pm August 31st – 4th Grade – 3:00pm-4:30pm September 1st – Make Ups– 3:00pm-4:00pm Audition Forms can be found on the Music Department Webpages or through Ms. Losada. DAC Elementary Chorus results will be posted on Tuesday September 5th. Our first meeting will be held on Thursday, September 7th in the music room from 3:00pm-4:00pm. Rehearsals will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00pm-4:30pm.
Reminders Please bring all materials during the first week of school. Students will receive their first home learning assignment of the year during the first week of school – due the second week of school. More detailed information about the Music Department including home learning assignments, projects, and more can be found in the Music Welcome Packet and on the Music Department Webpages on the DAC/JAM Website. If parents have any questions or concerns about the Music Department, please feel free to email Ms. Losada ( and Mr. Alvarez ( This is the best way to reach us.
Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year! Art - Mrs. A Clancy Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year! A Welcome Packet with specific art supplies by grade, classroom rules and expectations, art projects and home learning will be sent home the first week of school. Supply list for all students to be kept in the art room listed below: -1 Ziploc Big Bag *can reuse bags from previous years -Pack of Pencils -Prang Oval 8 Watercolors (please do not get the following kind of Prang watercolors: washable, glitter and/or metallic) All information related to Art will be posted and up to date on my DAC webpage. For any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at:
*NEW* 2nd & 3rd Grade Art Club 4th & 5th Grade Art Club Audition information will be given in September. Art Club will on selected Wednesdays at 7:30 am – 8:25 am in the Art Room. *NEW* 2nd & 3rd Grade Art Club Audition information will be given in October. Art Club will meet on selected Wednesdays at 7:30 am- 8:25 am in the Art Room. Art Club members will be required to participate in Art Gallery Night.
“Different skills, unlimited possibilities” 2017 -2018 Ms. María Galarraga “Different skills, unlimited possibilities” My goal is to create a dynamic environment that inspires and encourages the children to speak, read and write in Spanish having a good time doing it. My techniques of teaching and learning are songs, readings, movies, games and writing activities among others. Let’s enjoy! Email: Duties of the students at home Home Learning: Students should study their vocabularies (meaning and spelling) at home. Vocabularies will be updated in Ms. Galarraga page in the school webpage. Tests/ Quizzes: All tests will be announced a minimum of a week in advance. AR Test (3-5Grades only): Students must to read at least 1 book and take the AR Test each quarter. Students will receive a Z (0%) if they have not taken the Test by the due date. Responsibilities of students that will be reflected in their grades The non- attendance does not justify the non- fulfillment of the task . Classroom behavior affect grades .
2017 -2018 Mrs. Iris Sánchez My goal is to create a dynamic environment that inspires and encourages the children to speak, read and write in Spanish through interesting techniques of teaching and learning such as songs, readings, movies , games, and writing activities that will be used , among others. Email: Duties of the students at home Home Learning: Students should study their vocabularies (meaning and spelling) at home. Vocabularies will be updated in Mrs. Sánchez page in the school webpage. Tests/ Quizzes: All tests will be announced a minimum of a week in advance. AR Test (3-5Grades only): Students must to read at least 1 book and take the AR Test each quarter. Students will receive a Z (0%) if they have not taken the Test by the due date. Responsibilities of students that will be reflected in their grades The non- attendance does not justify the non- fulfillment of the task . Classroom behavior affect grades .
DORAL ACADEMY CHEERLEADING Save the Date: Monday, August 29th from 3:30-5:30 pm Please read all information below and in the Tryout Packet before tryouts. Must have the Tryout Packet signed and returned no later than Friday, August 25th to try out. Tryout Packets are on the Cheerleaders website under School Clubs Must have $20 cash- this includes a Doral Cheer Tryout shirt Practices will be Monday’s from 3:30-5:30 pm and Wednesday’s at Step Ahead Gym from 4:00-6:00 pm Varsity competition information is listed in the Tryout packet The list of the squad will be posted on the school website. IF you make the team: New cheerleaders are expected to fill out the Step Ahead registration form and have that payment readily available for Wednesday, September 6th practice at Step Ahead Gym. Any new cheerleaders not present at Wednesday’s practice at Step Ahead will be removed from the squad. Following payments due Wednesday, September 6th Cash Only: $45.00 Step Ahead Registration Fee with Registration Form signed $58.00 Step Ahead Monthly Fee for September Parent Meeting will follow the first practice at Step Ahead @ 6pm.
Any Questions?