ABSTRACT Joint Stock Company "Buharagazpromstroy“ was formed in 1999, in accordance with the Presidential Decree dated fromof 11.12.1998, the PD-2154 "On the transformation of the National Corporation of Oil and Gas Industry" Uzbekneftegaz ", the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated from 15.12.1998, #523 "On issues of organization of the National Holding Company" Uzbekneftegaz "and the order of Territorial Administration of the State Property Committee of Bukhara region on April 22, 1999, # 153. The abbreviated name is "BGPS", trade name is "Buharagazpromstroy." Existing shareholders and their shares: Authorized fund of "BGPS" is 787,700,000. UZS (equiv. 243,8 thousand. USD.) Shareholders of the Company are: share of JSC "Uzneftegazstroyinvest" - 58.42%; the proportion of third-party entities (7 entities) - 3.45%; the proportion of individuals (3130 people). - 38.12%. The proposed share for implementation: In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated from 28.04.2015. PD-2340 "On measures to increase the proportion of the value of private property and the economy," provides for implementation of strategic foreign investors 12.7% stake in the authorized capital of JSC "Buharagazpromstroy" due to the additional issue of shares.
OPERATION OF THE COMPANY JSC "Buharagazpromstroy" is a subcontractor of JSC "Uzneftegazstroyinvest" perform complex installation work at the fuel and energy complex of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The company today provides a wide range of works at the facilities for the extraction, transportation and processing of oil and gas: fields development, complex systems of oil and gas trunk pipelines, gas plants, compressor stations, loading racks, storage tanks, etc. The main activities of the enterprise: construction, installation and specialized work; output for industrial purposes; production of consumer goods and paid services; commercial activity; foreign economic activity; transport services; other activities permitted by applicable law, to improve the financial situation of the production sector and social services workers collective.
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Title including data 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Gross income, thousand dollars USA 42 643 47 724 49 319 62 604 63 070 The volume of construction and assembling works by own forces, thousand dollars USA 31 298 34 851 35 962 47 333 44 583 Expenses for 1 soum income, tiyin 97,8 96,2 96,4 93,7 93,1 Expenses for 1 soum income out of the construction and assembling works, tiyin 98 94,9 95,2 95,3 95,6 Balanced profit, thousand dollars USA 1 734 3 111 3 208 3 965 4 377 Net profit, thousand dollars USA 1 221 2 484 2 626 3 354 3 804 Profitability (%) 2,9 5,4 5,5 5,7 6,4 Number of total staff, men 2 131 1 969 1 912 2 094 2 095 Total labor productivity for per worker in current prices, thousand dollars USA 1 224 1 475 1 567 2 508 2 538 Salary fund (Payroll) – total, thousand dollars USA 6 374 7 317 8 033 10 086 10 651 The average salary for 1 employee, dollars USA 249 310 350 404 429
CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT PLAN The need to attract additional financial resources is the need for the production costs of the following main objectives: - Updating the material and technical base of society, including the purchase of new technology and equipment, in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on March 28, 2014 #75 «On measures for the effective management of State Property"; - Development and introduction of new technologies and equipment; - Increase the provision of works and services; - The acquisition of office equipment pursuant to the tasks defined by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan # PD-2158 "On measures to further the implementation of information and communication technologies in the real economy"
CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Indicators 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Income total, th. USD 65 437 68 709 72 144 75 752 79 539 83 515 Including income from construction activities 65 047 68 300 71 714 75 300 79 065 83 019 Cost total, th. USD 63 083 66 238 69 549 73 028 76 678 80 512 Direct production costs 54 241 56 953 59 801 62 791 65 148 69 227 Consumption period 8 842 9 285 9 749 6 323 10 748 11 286 Income from financial operations 37 39 41 43 45 47 Profit before tax 2 391 2 510 2 636 2 768 2 906 3 051 Income taxes and other taxes on profits 772 811 851 894 939 986 Net profit, th. USD 1 618 1 699 1 784 1 873 1 967 2 066
INVESTOR TRANSMITTED THE SHARE OF ENTERPRISES The authorized capital of the company amounts to 787.688 million soums. (equiv. 243.8 thous. USD) The authorized fund of the company is divided into 1,575,376 shares with a par value of 500.0 soums. (equiv. $ 0.16.) In accordance with Annex №1 to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from April 28, 2015 PP-2340 "On measures to increase the proportion of the value of private property and the economy," provides for implementation of a strategic foreign investor stake in JSC "Buharagazpromstroy" due to the increase of the authorized fund of the company by additional issue of shares with preservation of organ hozupravleniya share of 51%. The distribution of the authorized capital of JSC "Uzneftegazstroyinvest" after the implementation of the stake in accordance with Presidential Decree of 28 April 2015goda PD-2340 will appear in the following order: - JSC "Uzneftegazstroyivest" - 51%, 920,372 pieces. shares 460 186 thous. soums (142,4 thousand. dollars.) - Strategic foreign investors - 12.71%, 229,275 pieces. shares 114,637 thousand. UZS (equiv. 35.5 thousand. dollars.) - Minority interest (7) legal entities - 3.02%, 54,520 pcs. shares 27 260 thous. soums (equiv. to 8.4 thousand. dollars.) - The proportion of individuals (3130 people) - 33.27%, 600,484 pieces. shares 300 242 thous. soums (equiv. to 92.9 thous. USD.);
Key benefits and risks of the project Taking into account the positive prospects of the main advantages of the company for strategic investors of the Company are: the corporate governance system ensures the greatest transparency of the society and to adequately assess the risks; the Company's divisions through which society is represented in virtually all regions of the country; historically constituted a strategic framework of the company; financial stability and solvency of the company, guaranteed by the mandatory requirements of the regulatory body confirmed the presence of high ranking and the highest category of issuers; High liquidity of the shares, which creates an opportunity for shareholders to freely dispose of them and leave the company at will; deserved reputation and formed the image of the company among clients and customers. The major risk factors for the project, according to the company, are as follows: Corporate risks; Risks of termination of the license; Risks associated with changes in the value of the scope of work and cost of services; Risks due to inflation; Social risks; Liquidity risks. To minimize and reduce the impact of the above risks, the Company has developed strategic and tactical decisions that exclude the occurrence of risk situations.
Key indicators of investment attractiveness of the project The main indicators characterizing investment attractiveness of the participation of potential investors in the capital of JSC "Buharagazpromstroy" include: one of the leading construction company JSC "Uznefegazstroyinvest"; long-term sustainable growth of key performance indicators of the company; the reputation of a stable and reliable partner for most of the large corporate and individual customers; the legal form of the company, providing the most open and transparent for investors and shareholders; high credibility and goodwill major shareholders of the company, such as JSC "Uznefegazstroyinvest"; the formed authorized capital of JSC "Buharagazpromstroy" in the amount of 787 688.0 thousand sum. (Equiv. 243,8 thous. USD) The ongoing public policy, priority, aimed at expanding the regional network and the scale of its activities; - A high level of financial stability and solvency of the company, confirmed over the past 4 years indicator, exceeding the set standard 2 times.
Investment Analysis Project In recent years, a policy aimed at expanding the regional network is regarded as a priority for society. Since its inception, the company is actively involved in shaping the development of the services market in the country and systematically expanding its activities. Progress indicators provide financial stability and solvency of the company at a high level. For the last 4 years the company's solvency ratio exceeds the State Inspectorate of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the standard of 1.5 - 2 times, and has a positive dynamics. This certainly is a guarantee of the company assumed obligations to customers, partners and shareholders. Also, a guarantee of performance of obligations to society are partners guarantee reserves formed from profit. Dynamic improvement in operating performance and branched units on the forefront of providing jobs and services. Finally, this assessment helps to expand financial opportunities and the growth of confidence in the company among customers. In accordance with the planned business plan for 2017-2021 years. estimates of the profitability of the authorized capital, return on assets and earnings per share are as follows: Indicator 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 The profitability of the authorized capital (%) 4,58 4,81 5,05 5,31 5,57 Earnings per share (USD). 0,9 1,0 1,1 Note: Tabular data and the data in the diagrams are presented according to the consolidated financial reporting. As well as overall data on staff takes in to account staff of the structural units of the company.
CONTACTS Uzbekistan, Bukhara region, 200114, Bukhara St. Zulfiya -2 Tel.fax: (0365) 223-10-11, 223-54-71. E-mail: