SAFEGUARDING EDUCATION FORUM Revised Audit Tool for Schools Deborah Carter Director of Safeguarding & Child Protection Bullers Wood School
Section 175/157 Audit - a self-assessment tool User Details and Introduction Working Together 2016 requires all LSCBs to monitor and evaluate any organisations working with children and young people and ensure they are fulfilling their statutory obligations. For schools this statutory responsibility is laid down in Section 175 or 157 of the Education Act 2002. This audit tool has been referenced against Keeping children safe in education (September 2016) and will help schools self-assess how well they are meeting requirements to safeguard children. Please complete details below before returning: School name: Auditor name and job title: Auditor email address: Audit signed off by (Head Teacher / Academy Lead): Audit sign-off date: Please read before undertaking the audit The self-assessment tool is made up of 9 worksheets; each focuses on a particular standard and outlines the requirements to be achieved. Click the links to jump to each worksheet: 1. Senior leadership commitment to the importance of safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare 2. A clear statement of the school’s responsibility towards children is available to all staff 3. A clear line of accountability within the school for work on safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children 4. School improvement takes account of the need to safeguard and promote welfare and is informed by the views of children and families. 5. Training on safeguarding is provided for all staff working with or in contact with children & families 6. Recruitment, vetting procedures and allegations against staff 7. Multi-agency working 8. Information sharing and record keeping 9. Wider promotion of safeguarding Completing the audit: It is expected that the audit will be completed by the Senior Designated Person, alongside the Head Teacher and the Chair of Governors. The results of the audit and subsequent action plan should be shared with the whole Governing Body.
School Action Plan and Score Summary SCHOOL ACTION PLAN SUMMARY School: Date completed: 00/01/1900 Question Actions transferred from each sheet to School Action Tracker 1.1 Lead person name/title: Action: Outcome: Timescale: Progress: 1.2 1.3
When completed please send to the following email address by Friday 31st March