Best GSBPM practices, Israel Central Bureau of Statistics Battia ATTALI, Elena DROR MEDSTAT IV, Training course on “Generic Statistical Business Process.


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Presentation transcript:

Best GSBPM practices, Israel Central Bureau of Statistics Battia ATTALI, Elena DROR MEDSTAT IV, Training course on “Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM)” From 25 to 27 July 2017 – Rome, Italy

GSBPM Initial Awareness phase at ICBS 2014 – 2016 EU-Israel Twinning project with Denmark (2013-2014) GSBPM introduced Experimental mapping of statistical processes (GSBPM phase level) Recommendation: GSBPM is to be used together with SIMS for statistical metadata Workshop of the Modernisation Committee on Standards (2015): International Collaboration for Standards-Based Modernisation Workgroup on a Modernisation Maturity Model and Roadmap for Implementing Modernstats Standards (2016)

GSBPM Pre-Implementation phase 2016 - 2017 Within a large Quality component of the 2nd EU-Israel Twinning Project with Denmark (2016-2018) Translation of GSBPM into Hebrew Pilot Quality audit review of 5 statistical processes using GSBPM Adoption of a quality assessment procedure for ICBS GSBPM model used to conduct quality audit reviews GSBPM model of the statistical process produced/revised Use of GSBPM model as management tool in the planning of the upcoming census GSBPM role in the work of the Committee for the review of Surveys costs GSBPM role in the work of the Committee for the Reform of Incentive Pay

GSBPM in ICBS Quality Assessment procedure Questionnaire based on CoP (& QAF) Incl. Quality reports on statistics Review process based on GSBPM model Map/review of the GSBPM sub-processes Incl. review of Quality reports

GSBPM – a management tool for upcoming census The model was used to ensure coverage of all sub- processes in phases: Specify Needs, Design and Build The model will be used to build the overall work plan for the census, including all units involved and needed resources – procurement and staff The model will be used as a reference model in monitoring the progress of the work done by all units in all sub-process for next phases: Collect, Process, Analyze, Disseminate, Evaluate

GSBPM role in the work of the Committee for for the Review of Surveys costs The problem Our surveys are expensive – not affordable by most ministries: the main cost is staff work-hours Is it a problem of quality requirements, adequacy of work processes or efficiency? The idea Characterize the involvement of all units in surveys design and implementation, (all phases) and calculate associated costs Units involved in ICBS: Subject unit, Budget unit, IT Dept., Survey unit, Methods Dept., Accounting unit, Quality management Dept. Distinguish between business and social surveys, new/ periodic/ one- time surveys, CATI/ CAPI/ CAWI surveys For each sub-process: Who, What, When, Where, Why

GSBPM role in the work of the Committee for the Reform of Incentive Pay (I) The problem ICBS unit managers formulate quarterly work-plans and outputs, and quarterly evaluate and report their achievements Staff is rewarded with incentive pay, while a central QA unit is in charge of monitoring and reviews Subject units are particularly difficult to monitor – there is no standard description of production (sub)-processes The idea Use GSBPM phases to describe quarterly work-plans and outputs of statistical processes conducted by subject units Subject units will be encouraged to map their work to GSBPM QA reviews will use the subject units mapping of statistical processes to GSBPM

GSBPM role in the work of the Committee for the Reform of Incentive Pay (II) Some open issues Content issues Should we define a template for describing phases ? – e.g. process description, input, output, quality/metadata management activities, other units involved… Integration of sub-process descriptions with instructions to workers? Would actual (input and) output be linked to quarterly documentation? Work plan coordination issues In case one unit depends on the input provided by another unit, how to ensure the input has been defined as an output in the other unit work plan? How to integrate the work done by different (support) units (IT, surveys, Methods, Dissemination, GIS etc. ) in phases and sub-processes description? How to integrate GSBPM documentation with other documentations?

General Integration issues How to integrate the different modernization activities into one initiative … … from the point of view of subject units

Background: Many modernisation projects initiated at ICBS between 2015-2017 Within ICBS Adoption of COP and QAF by ICBS Adoption of SIMS for statistical documentation - application developed, staff trained, pilot conducted and first implementation round Staff, steering committee and task force appointed for Metadata work New department created for Statistical Quality Management (1.5 staff) A roadmap established for the creation of the Israeli NSS (Growing) Steering Committee on Quality, Metadata and Coordination (Statistical quality, Total Quality, Dissemination, Statistical coordination, Metadata management etc) International CSPA activities: Workshop on Modernisation of statistical production, (2015-2016), Eurostat Workshop on Implementing the Common Statistical Production Architecture (2017)

Need to integrate and harmonize “stove-pipes” - for subject units benefit Quality Assurance of statistical processes Review of SIMS Process audit review by GSBPM Process mapping with GSBPM Quality documen-tation in website, Int’l orgs, SDMX SIMS for each subject in website SDMX SDDS+ ... GSBPM Process documen-tation Process meta- data Para- data Work plans Costs Subject structure In Dissemi-nation In Website VS organi- zational units Micro-data sets Micro data data-base PUF Research datasets Metadata manage-ment SIMS for each stat. process Concepts Variables Surveys Cross- cutting subjects Quality Assurance of statistical processes Review of SIMS Process Review by GSBPM Process mapping with GSBPM Quality documen-tation in website, Int’l orgs, SDMX SIMS for each subject in website SDMX SDDS+ ... GSBPM Process documen-tation Process meta- data Para- data Work plans Costs Subject structure In Dissemi-nation In Website VS organi- zational units Micro-data sets Micro data data-base PUF Research datasets Metadata manage-ment SIMS for each stat. process Concepts Variables Surveys Cross- cutting subjects Quality Assurance of statistical processes Review of quality reports - SIMS Process audit review by GSBPM Process mapping with GSBPM Quality documen-tation in website, Int’l orgs, SDMX Quality reports for each subject in website SDMX SDDS+ ... GSBPM Process documen-tation Process meta- data Para- data Work plans Costs Subject structure In Dissemi-nation In Website VS organi- zational units Micro-data sets – Data and Metadata Micro data data-base PUF Research datasets Metadata manage-ment SIMS documentation for each statistics & stat. process Concepts Variables Classifi-cations Surveys Cross- cutting subjects

Need for integration and harmonization of “stove-pipes” - for subject units benefit Quality Assurance of statistical processes Review of SIMS Process audit review by GSBPM Process mapping with GSBPM Quality documen-tation in website, Int’l orgs, SDMX SIMS for each subject in website SDMX SDDS+ ... GSBPM Process documen-tation Process meta- data Para- data Work plans Costs Subject structure In Dissemi-nation In Website VS organi- zational units Micro-data sets Micro data data-base PUF Research datasets Metadata manage-ment SIMS for each stat. process Concepts Variables Surveys Cross- cutting subjects Quality Assurance of statistical processes Review of SIMS Process Review by GSBPM Process mapping with GSBPM Quality documen-tation in website, Int’l orgs, SDMX SIMS for each subject in website SDMX SDDS+ ... GSBPM Process documen-tation Process meta- data Para- data Work plans Costs Subject structure In Dissemi-nation In Website VS organi- zational units Micro-data sets Micro data data-base PUF Research datasets Metadata manage-ment SIMS for each stat. process Concepts Variables Surveys Cross- cutting subjects Quality Assurance of statistical processes Review of quality reports- SIMS Process audit review by GSBPM Process mapping with GSBPM Quality documen-tation in website, Int’l orgs, SDMX Quality reports for each subject in website SDMX SDDS+ ... GSBPM Process documen-tation Process meta- data Para- data Work plans Costs Subject structure In Dissemi-nation In Website VS organi- zational units Micro-data sets – Data and Metadata Micro data data-base PUF Research datasets Metadata manage-ment SIMS documentation for each statistics & stat. process Concepts Variables Classifi-cations Surveys Cross- cutting subjects

Need for integration and harmonization of “stove-pipes” - for subject units benefit Quality Assurance of statistical processes Review of SIMS Process audit review by GSBPM Process mapping with GSBPM Quality documen-tation in website, Int’l orgs, SDMX SIMS for each subject in website SDMX SDDS+ ... GSBPM Process documen-tation Process meta- data Para- data Work plans Costs Subject structure In Dissemi-nation In Website VS organi- zational units Micro-data sets Micro data data-base PUF Research datasets Metadata manage-ment SIMS for each stat. process Concepts Variables Surveys Cross- cutting subjects Quality Assurance of statistical processes Review of SIMS Process Review by GSBPM Process mapping with GSBPM Quality documen-tation in website, Int’l orgs, SDMX SIMS for each subject in website SDMX SDDS+ ... GSBPM Process documen-tation Process meta- data Para- data Work plans Costs Subject structure In Dissemi-nation In Website VS organi- zational units Micro-data sets Micro data data-base PUF Research datasets Metadata manage-ment SIMS for each stat. process Concepts Variables Surveys Cross- cutting subjects Quality Assurance of statistical processes Review of quality reports- SIMS Process audit review by GSBPM Process mapping with GSBPM Quality documen-tation in website, Int’l orgs, SDMX Quality reports for each subject in website SDMX SDDS+ ... GSBPM Process documen-tation Process meta- data Para- data Work plans Costs Subject structure In Dissemi-nation In Website VS organi- zational units Micro-data sets – Data and Metadata Micro data data-base PUF Research datasets Metadata manage-ment SIMS documentation for each statistics & stat. process Concepts Variables Classifi-cations Surveys Cross- cutting subjects Example of Integrated Roadmap Set ICBS fundamental units of reference: Concepts, Variables, Classifications Statistical processes and micro-datasets for dissemination purposes, Surveys … Map statistical processes to SIMS reports, output datasets, organizational units and subject structure, Build partial SIMS - incl. Concepts glossary Map stat. processes to GSBPM phases ….

The GAMSO Integration challenge Organi-zation Level Statistical process Level

The GAMSO Integration challenge Organi-zation Level Statistical process Level

ICBS top-management meeting room

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