Parents Induction Meeting The Early Years Parents Induction Meeting
Settling in … New environment New faces New routines, built on each day Expectations Independent learners
Uniform Please ensure that names are in EVERYTHING!!! Please send coats EVERYDAY Sensible shoes and no jewellery
Exciting Things This Term Topics – We follow children’s interests
What can you do to help your child’s development? Nursery rhymes Share stories Oral blending Emergent writing/mark making
What can you do to help your child’s mathematical development??? Counting Number recognition Shapes, colours and patterns Weighing and measuring Dice games – recognising dots on the dice
Expectations… The Golden Rules Golden Time Values Good Learning Board, stickers, Wow Moments
Other matters… Please ensure that your child brings in their book bag every day Home school diary – useful communication, please fill in the faces with your child Going home – permission Going For Gold Donations
Wish List… Tissues – characters, flowers Tins/ packet food for the homecorner
And Finally… If you have any worries or concerns please come in and see us and we will always do our best to help you We look forward to working with you Mrs Griffiths and Mrs Redman