Feudalism in Europe Feudalism, a political and economic system based on land-holding and protective alliances, emerges in Europe
So, Last Time… After Treaty of Verdun in 843, there was instability in Europe. As a result invaders come from the north, the south, and the east (800-1000 AD)
Vikings!!! From Scandinavia Denmark, Norway, Sweden Viking long ships sail in shallow water Raided towns, churches and monasteries Great names: Eric the Victorious Ivar the Boneless William the Conqueror Eric Bloodaxe Thorfinn Skullsplitter
More Vikings!!! Also called Northmen or Norsemen Germanic peoples Traders, farmers, and explorers Ships made of wood When Viking leaders died, it was customary to bury them with their ships and household goods.
More Vikings!!! 8th c. dark red, 9th c. red, 10th c. orange, 11th c. yellow, green-frequent raids Stopped raiding after becoming Christian and as a warming trend in Europe made farming easier in Scandinavia
Viking Helmets Vikings did NOT wear horned helmets.
Leif Ericson “He was tall and strong and very impressive in appearance. He was a shrewd man and always moderate in behavior.” Son of Eric the Red Leif sailed to Newfoundland Did he “discover” America?
Attack!!! From the East: Magyars (Turkish and Hungarian nomads) invade western Europe in late 800s From the South: Muslims strike from Africa From the North: Vikings Protection needed and feudalism was born
Feudalism Feudalism Structures Society: 850 to 950, feudalism emerges—political system based on land control A lord (landowner) gives fiefs (land grants) in exchange for services (military service and food) Vassals – people who receive fiefs
The Feudal Pyramid Kings served by nobles or lords who are served by knights; peasants at bottom Knights—horsemen-defend their lord’s land in exchange for fiefs
Social Classes Medieval feudal system classifies people into three social groups Fighters: nobles and knights Prayers: monks, nuns, clergy Workers: peasants (90% of the people)
Social Classes Social class is usually inherited Most peasant are serfs (bound to the land) Serfs aren’t slaves, but whatever they produce belongs to their lord.
Manors The Lord’s Estate The manor has an economic system Serfs and free peasants maintain the lord’s estate, give grain The lord provides housing, farmland, protection from bandits
Their Own Little Worlds Medieval manors include lord’s house, church, workshops, village, pond Manors cover a few square miles of land, are largely self-sufficient (350-5000 acres)
Manor Life – Not so Fun Peasants pay taxes to everyone Mill, bakery Tithe - church tax Serfs live in crowded cottages with dirt floors, straw for beds Mud and thatch huts Daily grind of raising crops, livestock; feeding and clothing family Poor diet, illness, malnutrition make life expectancy 35 years Serfs generally accept their lives as part of God’s plan