Concept #6 Interviewing
Essential Question Journal Entry #6(A) How do you think you can increase your chances of having a successful interview?
Preparing for the Interview Topic #6.1 Preparing for the Interview
Topic Objectives Understand how to prepare for a job interview. Develop answers to typical and tough interview questions. Identify the importance of body language in creating a good impression.
How to Prepare for A Job Interview A meeting between an employer and a job applicant to discuss possible employment. How to Prepare: Know the Date, Time, and Location. Prepare for a Phone Screen: Phone Screen: A short, first interview by phone. Research the Employer Prepare Answer to Interview Questions Anticipate Difficult Interview Questions Focus on the Positive
Positive Body Language Positive body language is the key to making a good impression. Body Language: The gestures, posture, and eye contact you use to send messages. Ensuring Good Body Language: Practice Get Feedback Feedback: A detailed response, from someone you trust.
Succeeding in the Interview Topic #6.2: Succeeding in the Interview
Topic Objectives Explain how to project a positive attitude and use good communication skills. Describe how to follow up after a job interview. Summarize the best methods for accepting and rejecting employment offers and handling rejection.
Arrive On time and Prepared Guidelines: Bring your Social Security number and any relevant contact information. Bring a pen, paper, and two or more copies of your resume. Bring materials that show your credentials. Credentials: Documents that support your qualifications. Bring your notes about the company and your prepared answers to the 10 typical interview questions. Dress for Success: Make sure you are well-groomed. Plan what you will wear to the interview.
Have a good Attitude Be enthusiastic Show interest Be courteous Show good manners Give a firm handshake Smile Make Eye Contact
Speak for Success Good communication skills will help you make a good first impression and include: Speak clearly and don’t mumble. Make only positive, honest comments. Listen. It’s okay to have the interviewer repeat a question. Stay calm. Guidelines to asking your own questions: Be prepared to ask your own question during the interview because it shows interest. Questions should be based on what you have learned through the research you have done about the company. It is usually best to let the interviewer bring up information about pay and benefits.
Follow-Up After the Interview Evaluate the Interview: Reflect on what you learned during the interview to determine if this position is still right for you. Send a Thank-You Note: This practice shows that you are thoughtful and gives you another chance to sell your qualifications. Decide if you should accept or reject the offer Don’t burn bridges if you don’t get the position.
Essential Question Journal Entry #5(B) How can you increase your chances of having a successful interivew?
Bibliography Kimbrell, G. (2012). “Succeeding in the world of work.” McGraw-Hill; NewYork.