Bulletin for JUNE 5, 2014
Reminder: Have you registered for the Summer Strength and Conditioning yet? If not, please do so soon as the time slots are filling up fast.
The list of students who owe money to the school has been posted outside of the main office and should also be posted in classrooms. Please make sure that all of this money has been paid.
All physical education and athletic lockers need to be cleaned out by today, Thursday, June 5th. Otherwise, your things will be discarded.
Students entering grades 6-12 in the fall who are interested in participating in science fair should contact Mrs. Prchal at Falcon Ridge for information before summer.
Students are reminded to return all library items as soon as possible Students are reminded to return all library items as soon as possible. Also, the Media Center will be closed today.
Attention Students Enrolled in the June Driver Education Class: Students from Colin Anderson to Jewel Luckow should report to Room 166. Students from Giffin Macris to Emilee Wondra should go to the Ares Lab. Class begins on Monday, June 9, at 7:30 a.m. Bring a pen/pencil with you daily.
If you have medications in the Nurse’s Office, you must pick them up after 2:30 today or they will be destroyed.
Chicken Nuggets, Cook’s Choice on Veggies, Pineapple, and Milk. Today’s menu is: Chicken Nuggets, Cook’s Choice on Veggies, Pineapple, and Milk.
Wrestlers attending the Concordia Camp: The bus will leave from the front of the high school at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday.