Mangled Epic: Statius’ Thebaid (II) Politics & Poetics Mangled Epic: Statius’ Thebaid (II)
Tydeus: horror in the mirror (Cellini 1554)
Etruscan temple relief, Pyrgi
Political ‘issues’ in the Thebaid Civil war (nb recent civil war of 69) Succession, the problem of… Brotherly rivalry (see Suetonius 2.3 on Domitian and Titus) Epic’s monumentalising power in crisis? Horror trumps/takes the place of glory
Hell on earth: the new Jupiter
Directionality derailed Ipse deum genitor tibi me miseratus ab alto mittit The father of the gods himself in pity sends me to you from on high/the depths
Quiz Suggest 4 ways of filling in the blank: The politics of ____________________ 2. Place the following figures in chronological order (according to birth date), beginning with the earliest: Virgil, Lucan, Seneca the Younger, Persius, Ovid, Catullus, Nero, Domitian, Statius.
3. When did the battle of Pharsalus take place? 4. Translate the following key Latin terms: concordia amicitia furor mora libertas carmen perpetuum recusatio tempora verba novissima
5. What does a ‘formalist’ approach to literature consist of? Conservative criticism in a formal style Criticism which deals only with metre and rhythm Interpretation which approaches the text as isolated from the social, political, cultural and economic context in which it was produced.
6. What suggests that Ovid Metamorphoses 3 gets us to reflect on Ovid’s own ‘guilt’ and punishment by Augustus?
7. Which of the following statements are true? Literature reflects and responds to its surrounding culture Literature participates/intervenes in and performs politics+ Literature is a product of social and political forces. The verbal arts are uniquely political
8. Why does the topic of civil war offer such exciting opportunities for Latin epic poets to experiment with poetic form?
9. Why are civil war and incest entwined themes in Latin epic. 10 9. Why are civil war and incest entwined themes in Latin epic? 10. Why is teleology a political issue in epic narrative?
11. In what ways does Virgil get us to think about politics as a viewpoint, or visual perspective? 12. Name three things Statius’ Thebaid has in common with Virgil’s Aeneid.
13. How do Lucan and Statius make reading about civil war a participatory political act?