Student Context Cards In Canvas Cards
What are Student Context Cards? In the January 28 production release a new feature option will be available that allows instructors click to view more details (ie the student context card) about the selected student in the People, Grades, and individual discussion topic pages. This information will display as an overlay on each of these pages and is designed to improve instructor workflows. Users with student roles cannot view context cards in a course. Context cards are not supported for other user roles (e.g. observer, TA, or other instructor)
Context Card Information Display Informational Data Clickable Data links Profile picture - If the student has added a profile picture. Otherwise the default gray head profile picture will display. Course name and section - Information about the course name, number and section. Last login - Displays the last time the student logged into the course. Current Grade - According to set grading scheme configured in the course settings and assignment page. Number of missing assignments - View the total of missing assignments based on student analytics data, which generates data for both online and no-submission assignments in Canvas; for submissions not submitted online, assignment calculations may not be entirely accurate as they are attempted based on the assignment’s grade and when the assignment was graded Number of late assignments - This will be based on set due date for the assignment. Number of last graded items in the course: view a maximum of 10 recently graded assignments with the assignment’s grade (shows according to grading scheme, but grades default to points if the grading scheme does not fit) Participation activity compared to class: view the standard deviation of the student’s participation in the course compared to other students (none, low, moderate, or high) Page views compared to class: view the standard deviation of the student’s page views in the course compared to other students (none, low, moderate, or high) Student name or email - click to view the student’s user profile page Message Student (email icon) - Creates a new message ready for you to add a subject link and body. Grades - Displays the individual student grades page. Analytics - Displays the individual student analytics page. Notable limitations The student context cards do not include mobile data from the Canvas app. The student context card do not display for inactive students.
Student Context Cards in Grades Click the student’s name to view the student’s context card. The student context card will display on the right as an overlay. On the card instructors can quickly view the student’s activity in the course. Instructors can quickly access the inbox, grades, and analytics from the context card. When an instructor clicks on a student’s picture, this will display the student’s individual grades page. Tip: When you are done viewing a context card for a student, you can either click another student’s name to load that student’s context card OR click the X in upper left of the context card to close it out completely.
Student Context Cards in People Click the student’s name to view the student’s context card. On the card instructors can quickly view the student’s activity in the course. Instructors can quickly access the inbox, grades, and analytics from the context card. When an instructor click’s on a student’s picture, this will display the student’s individual people page.
Student Context Cards in Discussions Click the student’s name to view the student’s context card. The student context card will display on the right as an overlay. On the card instructors can quickly view the student’s activity in the course. Instructors can quickly access the inbox, grades, and analytics from the context card. When an instructor click’s on a student’s picture, this will display the student’s individual people page.
Important Notes about this feature This feature will be available in production on January 28th, 2017 However, it is a feature option in the admin settings. This means the if the admin turns this feature on it will be enabled for everyone in ALL courses.
We Need Your Feedback This feature will not change instructor workflows that much but will reduce excessive clicking for instructors. While this feature is a great improvement, it can be disruptive for instructors when implemented during the middle of a semester. In order to give all faculty a voice on when they would like to see this implemented, we would like to gather feedback for the optional time to turn this feature on. Please complete the survey to voice your opinion on when this option should be enabled.
Questions or Concerns Please contact Susan Nugent 217-234-5571 Thank you for your time!