Patient MC 33 yo Caucasian male Engineer Diagnosed with Keratoconus 7-8 years ago Presented to Cornea service at Duke from referral of outside doctor c/o poor vision in GP’s, halos, poor vision at night Medical History: Allergies Medications: Allegra, Flonase
Exam Data VA with GP’s (from Cornea note) OD: 20/30 PH 20/20 OS: 20/25-2 PH NI Intacs was scheduled and performed OS 6 weeks after Intacs procedure, pt MC presented to Contact Lens Clinic
Exam Data Pt would like to have Intacs OD once OS is stable Reports that vision seems better but ghosting lower portion of vision Current GP OD:-3.25Sph/7.50/9.0 ORx -1.00Sph 20/25 Manifest Rx OS: -0.75-1.50x105 20/30-
Patient MC
Patient MC Final fit: OD: -4.00 Sph/ 7.46 / 9.0 Boston ES 20/25 OS: Rose K2IC -4.00/7.50/11.0 flat PC Boston XO 20/25 1 year later Reports intermittent discomfort with GP OS Manifest Rx: OD: -2.00-1.25x110 20/25+ OS: -2.25-1.25x089 20/25 VA in GP’s: OD: 20/25 OS: 20/30
Patient MC Final Fit: OD: -2.75 Sph/7.46BC/9.0 OAD Boston ES 20/25+2 OS: Jupiter -6.25 Sph; 7.34BC; 15.6 OAD; 8.6 OZD; 7.54/1.7; 8.7/.9; 12.75/.5; 14.25/.4 20/25+2 3 months later… MC returns, so happy with Jupiter lens that wants OD refit with Jupiter too
Patient MC Jupiter OD: -5.75 Sph, 7.34BC, 16.0, 8.6OZ, 7.54/1.9, 8.7/.9, 12.75/.5, 14.25/.4 20/20-2 OS: -5.25 Sph, 7.50BC, 16.0, 8.6OZ, 7.70/1.9, 8.7/.9, 12.75/.5, 14.25/.4 20/25