Definition of autoimmune disease Autoimmune diseases are conditions in which antibodies are formed against the person’s own body tissues In some diseases, ab. are formed against one organ only ( DM type1, Grave’s disease) while in others, ab. are formed against many tissues
DEEFINITION OF SLE SLE is an inflammatory autoimmune disease in which antibodies are formed against many tissues of the body ( multisystem disease).
EPIDEMIOLOGY Geographics : Occurs worldwide Gender : F:M ratio is 9:1 ( usually young women, aged 20 to 40). Race : More in black Americans
ETIOLOGY Like most autoimmune diseases, cause is unknown but some associations are observed: If one twin is affected, more chances in the other ( ? Genetic role) More chances in 1st degree relatives More chances in premenopausal women ( ? may be hormonal cause estrogens) Some drugs can cause SLE like picture * INH * Hydralazine * Penicillamine
PATHOGENESIS Antibodies (ab.) are formed against various tissues of the body (antigens) These ag-ab complexes initiate inflammatory response this causes S/S
Signs & Symptoms S/S of SLE are “very” varied & may be mild to severe BUT REMEMBER 3 MOST COMMON FEATURES Fatigue Arthralgias Skin rash
Gen. features: Fatigue, fever, wt. loss 2) Joint & Muscles: Most common complaint *Pain in small joints of hands ( like R.A.) * Other joints may also be affected * Usually no joint swelling ( but may be) * Myalgias * Jaccoud’s arthitis (rare): Ulnar deviation of fingers, due to chronic arthritis
SKIN RASH IN SLE 3) Skin: Affected in 85% of cases * Butterfly rash on the face a) Involves the cheeks b) Crosses over the nose c) No involvement of the nasolabial fold
Skin features (contd.) * Photosensitivity : Prolonged exposure to sunlight worsens the rash ( & other symptoms also) *Raynaud’s phenomenon: Vasospasm in the digits after exposure to cold. * Hair fall & patches of alopecia * Discoid skin lesions : Seen in “discoid lupus”, a variant of SLE * Painless oral ulcers
Raynaud’s Phenomenon
Discoid skin lesions in SLE
Oral ulcers
4) Lungs :. Pleurisy & pleural effusions (exudate). Atelectasis 4) Lungs : * Pleurisy & pleural effusions (exudate) * Atelectasis * Restrictive lung disease * Lungs may become small ( shrunken lung ) 5) Kidneys( Lupus nephritis) : SLE causes various types of glomerulonephritis which present as either nephrotic syndrome or nephritic syndrome. W.H.O. has classified lupus nephritis into 5 classes based on histology of the renal lesion (class 1 to 5). Please remember the following only: * Class 4: Membrano proliferative GN. Most common renal lesion in SLE & causes nephritic syndrome( MPGN) * Class 5: Membranous nephropathy. Causes nephrotic syndrome.
Lupus Nephritis (contd.) a) Routinely check urine in SLE patients. If any blood or protein, investigate further ( biopsy) b) Treatment of lupus nephritis depends on the class of lesion which is present, so biopsy is important.
6) CVS :. Pericarditis & Myocarditis 6) CVS : * Pericarditis & Myocarditis * Non-bacterial endocarditis of the mitral valve ( vegetations of platelets & fibrin) ( also called Libmann-Sacks endocarditis) * Vasculitis ( any organ) 7) CNS : * Siezures * Depression & psychosis * CVA * other neuro S/S 8) EYES : * Retinal infarcts * Sec. Sjogren’s syndrome
9) GIT : * Mouth ulcers * Vasculitis of the intestinal vessels causing bowel infarction 10) BLOOD : * Anemia * Low WBC * Low platelets (antibodies are formed against RBC, WBC & platelets & cause destruction) Many features are due to vasculitis, eg siezures, CVA, bowel infarction, retinal infarcts etc.
INVESTIGATIONS CBC : * Anemia * Low WBC * Low plts. Urea/creatinine : * Raised in advanced renal disease ( lupus nephritis) 3) Urine : * Proteinuria * Blood wth RBCs & RBC casts 4) ESR : Raised in acute flare up 5) CRP : Usually normal (C reactive protein)
Investigations (contd.) 6) Autoantibodies : Important ones are : * ANA : Present in 95% of pts. Not specific but done as the first screening step. * Anti double stranded DNA ( anti ds DNA) ( * v. specific for SLE - Present in 70% pts., specially during acute flare) * Anti Ro * Anti La * Anti Sm DRUG INDUCED LUPUS HAS : 1) A.N.A & 2) “Anti-histone” antibody.
7) Complement levels : * C3 & C4 levels in blood are often low in acute flare up of SLE 8) Renal Biopsy : * Done if nephritis is suspected ( abn. urine) * Shows the class of renal disease, which helps us decide about drugs * Renal biopsy shows IgG & C3 deposits in the glomerular apparatus.
9) Brain MRI/CT : Done if CNS involvement is suspected 10) Biopsy of skin or kidney shows: * Deposits of IgG & C3( characteristic)
TREATMENT THERE IS NO CURE FOR SLE Drugs used : * NSAIDs ( diclofenac, ibuprofen etc) * CORTICOSTEROIDS * IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE AGENTS ( Cyclophosphamide,Myco-pheno-late mofetil, Methotrexate, Azathioprine) * HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE
TREATMENT 1) Fatigue, arthralgias, fever, pleuritis * NSAIDS * If NSAIDS don’t help, then Chloroquine/Hydroxychloro. Can cause retinal toxicity, so regular eye checks 2) Skin rash: * Topical steroids * Sunscreens * Hydroxychloroquine tab. 3) Avoid long sun exposure 4) Periods of rest during acute flares
Treatment (contd.) 5) Severe flares of arthritis, pleuritis, pericarditis * Short/long term corticosteroids 6) Renal Disease: a) Class 1 & 2: No treatment b) Class 3 to 5: * High dose corticosteroids + immunosuppressive agents given as a course ( for a limited time) 7) CNS disease: Steroids + immunosupp. agents
COURSE OF SLE Most patients have relapsing-remitting course. In these patients, treatment is given during relapse & tapered gradually Some patients have a chronic persistent course & Rx is given continuously. DRUG INDUCED LUPUS RESOLVES AFTER STOPPING THE DRUG
PROGNOSIS Mortality has fallen dramatically in the last 50 yrs due to advanced Rx. 10 yr survival rate is 90% Causes of death : - C.A.D.: Most common cause. (It is due to accelerated atherosclerosis) - Severe renal disease - CNS disease( stroke, cerebritis) - Infections (due to low WBCs)
PREGNANCY & SLE Fertility is normal but increased chances of miscarriages, preterm labour. SLE is not a contraindication to pregnancy but tell the patient about the risks Exacerbations can occur during pregnancy & specially after delivery Corticosteroids, azathioprine & hydroxychloroquine are safe in preg.
LIFE THREATENING COMPLICATIONS OF SLE Renal disease CNS involvement Low plts & low WBC Autoimmune hemolytic anemia The above need aggressive immunosuppressive therapy & corticosteroids
Points about drug induced Lupus No CNS or renal involvement ANA & anti-histone ab. present Resolves after stopping the drug
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