Multispacecraft observation of solar particle events contribution in the space radiation exposure on electronic equipment at different orbits Vasily S. Anashin1, Grigory A. Protopopov1, Igor A. Lyakhov1, Sergey O. Rukavichnikov1, Pavel V. Shatov2 1 Branch of JSC URSC ISDE 2 FSBI Fedorov Institute of Applied Geophysics
Content Introduction List of spacecrafts and onboard sensors’ parameters SPE spectra in GSO, polar, MEO and LEO (experiment and calculation) Absorbed doses in MEO and LEO (experiment and calculation) SER in GSO, polar, MEO and LEO (calculation) Conclusions
Influence of space radiation environment, include SCR, on electronic component Space radiation environment is the main exposure factor which determines the active shelf life of spacecrafts: faults and failures due to space radiation exposure were observed in ~60% space missions* Dose effects Trapped electrons (only near-Earth missions) Trapped protons (only near-Earth missions) Solar protons GCR (only for interplanetary missions) Single event effects Trapped protons Solar protons and ions Protons and ions of GCR *Committee on the Societal and Economic Impacts of Severe Space Weather events: A Workshop Report, 2008
List of spacecrafts and onboard sensors’ parameters GOES (GSO)* Protons: >1, >10, >100 MeV Electro-L (GSO) Protons: 13.7-23, 23-42, 42-112 MeV Spacecrafts in MEO Absorbed dose measurements Meteor-M (polar) Protons and electrons: >15 and >0.7 MeV, >25 and >1.5 MeV, >600 and >6 MeV ISS (LEO) *
SPE spectra in GSO according GOES and Electro-L measurements. Event 1 23.01.2012-26.01.2012
SPE spectra in GSO according GOES and Electro-L measurements. Event 2 27.01.2012-01.02.2012
SPE spectra in GSO according GOES and Electro-L measurements. Event 3 05.03.2012-16.03.2012
Determination of SPE spectra in polar orbit Meteor-M data SEP contribution – in polar regions mainly (in the maximum L) 23.01.2012
SPE spectra determination results for polar orbit. Events 1-3 1) 23.01.2012-26.01.2012 2) 27.01.2012-01.02.2012 3) 05.03.2012-16.03.2012
Calculation of SPE spectra in MEO and LEO Inputs: SPE spectrum in GSO Consideration of geomagnetic cutoff rigidity For average annual Kp (2-3) More careful Rg consideration leads to shifting of low-energetic part of SPE spectrum (future work) FMEO(E)=FGSO*coefficient
SPE spectra calculation results for MEO. Events 1-3 1) 23.01.2012-26.01.2012 2) 27.01.2012-01.02.2012 3) 05.03.2012-16.03.2012
SPE spectra calculation results for LEO. Events 1-3 1) 23.01.2012-26.01.2012 2) 27.01.2012-01.02.2012 3) 05.03.2012-16.03.2012
Calculation of absorbed doses in MEO and LEO Inputs: SPE spectrum in the given orbit Shielding geometry Calculation using OMERE software* * Benghin V.V et al. Scientific Session MEPhI-2015
Absorbed dose. Experimental and calculation results. MEO Event Experimental*, a.u./day Calculation**, a.u./day 23.01.2012-26.01.2012 8.5 3.9 27.01.2012-01.02.2012 8.7 1.5 05.03.2012-16.03.2012 90 3.6 * Total value (electron+protons) ** SPE dose Annual dose: 143 a.u./day Max dose: 1900 a.u/day Discrepancy can be concerned with: Electrons exposure influence on experimental absorbed dose value Gap in data
Absorbed dose. Experimental and calculation results. LEO Event Experimental*, a.u./day Calculation**, a.u./day 23.01.2012-26.01.2012 143 1840 769 (> 100 MeV) 27.01.2012-01.02.2012 202 269 56 (> 100 MeV) 05.03.2012-16.03.2012 154 125 117 (> 100 MeV) * Differential of total values during events and a week before ** SPE dose Annual dose: ~27 a.u./day GCR dose: ~9 a.u./day Max dose: 226 a.u/day Discrepancy can be concerned with: Inaccuracy of SPE absorbed dose determination Inaccuracy of SPE spectra determination Consideration average annual Kp Inaccuracy of shielding determination Gap in data
SPE contribution in the space radiation exposure on electronic equipment at different orbits MEO: The main contribution: trapped electrons (dose per day values during the events are comparable with mean value for a long time, but dose peak value is more in orders of magnitude) SPE gives valuable dose in absence of high-energy electrons flux increasing LEO: The main contribution: trapped protons, SEP and GCR (dose per day values during the events are comparable (and sometimes more) with mean value for a long time and dose peak value) SPE gives valuable dose (not all events)
Single event rates caused by SPE exposure in different orbits SER* GSO MEO polar LEO Event1 11.3 6.0 8.6 0.86 Event2 9.7 5.1 3.7 0.74 Event3 53 28 7.5 4.1 Number of SEU (SER) during event E0=10 MeV σsat=0.01 cm2 1 bit SER from SCR is decreasing with decreasing of altitude (geomagnetic cut-off rigidity) SER varies for event to event (several times) SPE contribute decisively in SER in GSO and MEO (absence of trapped protons) SPE gives valuable contribution in SER in polar orbit and LEO
Conclusions SEP fluxes for different events in 2012 were determined using onboard measurements in different spacecrafts and calculated for MEO and LEO Doses from SEP were calculated and compared with onboard measurements SPE gives valuable dose in LEO and MEO, which is comparable with average dose value (during absence of high-energy electrons flux increasing in MEO) SPE contribute decisively in SER in GSO and MEO and gives valuable contribution in polar orbit and LEO It is necessary (for spacecraft and equipment manufacturers as well as for scientific community) to place space radiation characteristics and exposure sensors on spacecrafts in different orbits
Acknowledgement Pavel Shatov (Fedorov Institute of Applied Geophysics) Vyacheslav Shurshakov (Institute for Biomedical Problems) Andrey Lishnevskii (Institute for Biomedical Problems) Viktor Benghin (Institute for Biomedical Problems, Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of MSU)
Thank you for your attention. Grazie. NPK1@NIIKP Thank you for your attention! Grazie! NPK1@NIIKP.ORG Grigory protopopov