Inquiry learning and SimQuest LWT Workshop December 3rd Jan van der Meij University of Twente Faculty of Behavioral Sciences Department of Instructional Technology
Overview December 3rd I will give an introduction to inquiry learning I will show examples of SimQuest simulations You will work with two simulations (as students) We will discuss your findings Lunch break I will give an introduction on the design of SimQuest simulations You will start building a simulation model in SimQuest
Overview December 4th I will discuss the kinds of support to give when using simulations We will discuss how simulations can be used in the classroom I will give a demonstration of designing a SimQuest simulation You will continue building your own simulation Lunch break I will give a demonstration of specific SimQuest features You will present the simulations
Inquiry learning The learner is in control working like a scientist building his/her own knowledge Key characteristics Exploration Asking questions Making discoveries Searching for new understandings
Inquiry based learning environments Conceptual simulations Underlying model Learners have to explore the model by Manipulating input variables Observing output variables
Inquiry based learning environment
Inquiry learning processes Transformative processes Orientation Hypothesis generation Experiment design Data interpretation Evaluation Regulative processes Planning Monitoring
Problems with inquiry learning Hypothesis generation Design of experiments Interpretation of data Regulation Variables and/or relations not available Fear of rejection
Problems with inquiry learning Hypothesis generation Design of experiments Interpretation of data Regulation Inconclusive experiments Inefficient experiments Confirmation bias Engineering approach
Problems with inquiry learning Hypothesis generation Design of experiments Interpretation of data Regulation Misencodings Graph interpretation
Problems with inquiry learning Hypothesis generation Design of experiments Interpretation of data Regulation Absence of planning Poor monitoring Floundering
Decision points Orientation Hypothesis Planning Experiment Monitoring Which variables? Orientation Which hypothesis? Hypothesis What next? Planning Experiment Which variables, Which values What results? What was done? Monitoring Conclusion Which conclusion? Evaluation What was learned?
Do it yourself Simulation without support Simulation with support Braking with a scooter (stripped) 10 minutes Simulation with support Moments_1_LWT 15 minutes
Your findings...
Instructional support Transformative processes Hypothesis tools Experiment hints Give extra domain information Regulative processes Model progression Planning support Monitoring support Structure the learning process Cognitive tools
...we will look at instructional support Tomorrow... ...we will look at instructional support
Lunch break
Authoring SimQuest simulations
Elements in SimQuest simulations Rules for simulation: F = k * x a = F/m dv/dt = a dx/dt = v One for each level of model progression Simulation models Learner interface Instructional measures Instructional control
What do authors want? No programming: Flexibility in the process Libraries of building blocks (templates) Easy editing (drag and drop) Flexibility in the process Reuse of material Possibility to include existing simulations Create applications in their own language
Basic authoring cycle Select a template Edit the object Integrate it SimQuest offers a library with: simulation models instructional measures interface elements tests en test items Each template owns an editor: modeling and simulation tool interface builder editors for instructional measures Simulation context automates integration with: simulation model simulation interfaces Manual ordering of instructional measures
The SimQuest authoring environment Library Elements Open editor Select from the library Application under development Drag to application
Basic architecture Instructional Measures Learner Interface Simulation Context model Instructional Measures Learner Interface This architecture is duplicated for each model In this way Model progression is implemented Add the supportive interaction with the learner: assignments explanations monitoring tool … Contains the actual model internal model equations or blocks external program Contains information on the simulation model: Variable names Variable types Actions Guide the interaction of the learner with the simulation: buttons graphs animations ... Simulation Context Simulation model
Building a simulation model (1)
Building a simulation model (2)
Building a simulation model (3)
Use SimQuest Help
Tomorrow December 4th I will discuss the kinds of support to give when using simulations We will discuss how simulations can be used in the classroom I will give a demonstration of designing a SimQuest simulation You will continue building your own simulation Lunch break I will give a demonstration of specific SimQuest features You will present the simulations
See you tomorrow
Inquiry learning and SimQuest LWT Workshop December 4th Jan van der Meij University of Twente Faculty of Behavioral Sciences Department of Instructional Technology
Overview December 4th I will discuss the kinds of support to give when using simulations We will discuss how simulations can be used in the classroom I will give a demonstration of designing a SimQuest simulation You will continue building your own simulation Lunch break I will give a demonstration of specific SimQuest features You will present the simulations
Inquiry learning processes Transformative processes Orientation Hypothesis generation Experiment design Data interpretation Evaluation Regulative processes Planning Monitoring
Decision points Orientation Hypothesis Planning Experiment Monitoring Which variables? Orientation Which hypothesis? Hypothesis What next? Planning Experiment Which variables, Which values What results? What was done? Monitoring Conclusion Which conclusion? Evaluation What was learned?
Instructional support Transformative processes Hypothesis tools Experiment hints Give extra domain information Regulative processes Model progression Planning support Monitoring support Structure the learning process Cognitive tools
Hypothesis generation Variables Relations Structured hypothesis Utterance about hypothesis Utterance about hypothesis List with hypotheses
Experimenting multimedia simulation assignment feedback
Model progression F(t)
Monitoring Monitoring tool
How to use simulations in class?
Authoring SimQuest simulations
Elements in SimQuest simulations Rules for simulation: F = k * x a = F/m dv/dt = a dx/dt = v One for each level of model progression Simulation models Learner interface Instructional measures Instructional control
Basic authoring cycle Select a template Edit the object Integrate it SimQuest offers a library with: simulation models instructional measures interface elements tests en test items Each template owns an editor: modeling and simulation tool interface builder editors for instructional measures Simulation context automates integration with: simulation model simulation interfaces Manual ordering of instructional measures
Basic architecture Instructional Measures Learner Interface Simulation Context model Instructional Measures Learner Interface This architecture is duplicated for each model In this way Model progression is implemented Add the supportive interaction with the learner: assignments explanations monitoring tool … Contains the actual model internal model equations or blocks external program Contains information on the simulation model: Variable names Variable types Actions Guide the interaction of the learner with the simulation: buttons graphs animations ... Simulation Context Simulation model
Supporting the author Library content On line help Advice Wizard
Reuse in SimQuest Building blocks from the library Simulation models Specified building blocks Conglomerates of building blocks with Wizard Instructional strategy Visualizations (interface elements) External components
Types of assignments in SimQuest Do it them assignments Do them assignments Open answer assignments Investigation assignments Explicitation assignments (Static) specification assignments Optimisation assignments
Explanations Text Image Canvas HTML Sound Video
Continue building your own simulation
Lunch break
SimQuest related research Tools Concept map Modeling Collaboration Self explanation Author support Advice tool Wizard Students designing experiments for peers Implementation in the classroom Support for multiple representations