CIP ABSTRACT PRESENTATION Corresponding Author: (海帝) Bilal Haider Shamsi Pediatrics Department, Shenmu Hospital, Shenmu, Yulin, Shaanxi, China. Director: (刘永林) Liu YongLin Author: (马军峰) Dr. Ma JunFeng
Shenmu Hospital President: (王强) Wang Qiang Shenmu Hospital, Shenmu, Yulin, Shaanxi, China. Vice President: (刘晓阳) Liu XiaoYang Secretary: (杭再存) Hang ZaiCun
Clinical Analysis Of 48 Cases Of Mycoplasma Pneumonia In Children Topic Clinical Analysis Of 48 Cases Of Mycoplasma Pneumonia In Children
Objective of study To investigate Clinical features Diagnosis Treatment of mycoplasma pneumonia. To facilitate and improve future management
Significance of study Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a common cause of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) Marked constitutional symptoms, upper and lower respiratory tract symptoms. Early and accurate management can prevent the patient from having chronic cough and asthma like symptoms.
Backgrond It is also known as "walking pneumonia" because its patients can sometimes continue to walk about while suffering from its symptoms. The organism responsible for mycoplasma pneumonia, M pneumoniae is the smallest known free-living microorganism. It is a pleomorphic organism that, unlike bacteria, lacks a cell wall, and unlike viruses, does not need a host cell for replication.
The prolonged paroxysmal cough seen in this disease is thought to be due to the inhibition of ciliary movement M pneumoniae has a remarkable gliding motility and specialized tip organelles It burrows between cilia within the respiratory epithelium, eventually causing sloughing of the respiratory epithelial cells.
Diagnosis and case selection A retrospective study was performed at our hospital, and the data for 48 treated cases of mycoplasma pneumonia from August 2014 to March 2015, was analyzed. Microparticle agglutination assay (MAG) was used as the diagnostic test. The principle of this test is hemagglutination by specific antibodies to M. pneumoniae. A four-fold increase of the titer was referenced to establish a diagnosis, i.e. MAG (> 1 : 160) “Zhu Fu Tang Practical Pediatrics, the seventh edition” was taken as the guide for the clinical diagnostic criteria for Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia
Chest X-Rays showed enhanced lung markings and lower lobe pneumonia. Cases study The clinical manifestations were fever, cough, wheezing and dyspnea in most cases, while individual cases of cough with sputum and paroxysmal cough were also suspected for M.P. There were 36 males and 16 females patients, with male to female ratio of 2: 1. Less than 1 year age reported 7 cases, accounting for 14%; 1-3 years, 19 cases, accounting for 40%; 3-7 years 18 cases, accounting for 38%; and 7 to 10 years, 4 cases, accounting for 8%; The youngest patient was 2 months and 10 days old while the maximum age of patient reported was 9 years. Serology test showed the titer of 1: 160 in 21 patients (44%); 1: 320 in 7 (15%); 1: 640 in 5 (10%); and 1: 1280 in 15 patients, accounting for 31%. C-reactive protein resulted positive for 24 cases, 17.52 ~ 62.25mg / L (reference value of 0 ~ 10mg / L); procalcitonin resulted positive for 18 cases, (PCT) 0.1 ~ 0.5 ng / mL (reference value <0.10ng / mL). Chest X-Rays showed enhanced lung markings and lower lobe pneumonia.
Treatment and results Erythromycin was used in 16 cases (33%); azithromycin in 13 cases (27%); and other antibiotics i.e. cefoperazone sodium, cefoperazone sulbactam, ceftriaxone, and cefuroxime sodium were used in 19 cases (40%). Hospital stay range was 3-14 days with an average of 7.8 days in hospital All of the cases treated successfully and discharged without any complication.
Conclusion Highest prevalence of Mycoplasma pneumonia was in 1 to 7 years’ age group children. Clinical manifestations were fever, cough and wheezing. Use of azithromycin, erythromycin or combination therapy, all achieved good outcome
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